part 21

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Jaden's POV

I watched as Koyo started to rummage through Emiko's wedding presents, all still wrapped. "Koyo, I think Aunt Emiko wants to open some first," I laughed.

"He's alright," Emiko smiled, handing me a cup of coffee and taking a seat next to me on the sofa. "Koyo, Zane wants to open some when he gets home, sweetheart. When he's back we'll let you help too. Can't wait to see what he's going to be like at Christmas in a few weeks."

I sighed, knowing that I'll be up the crack of dawn again, like I have been the past several years. Though this year will be different, Koyo has his father with him. I've already brought most of my gifts, Koyo's hidden away at my mom's house because I know he'll start snooping. "You seem a lot brighter recently," I said. "Has becoming a married woman made you happier?"

She blushed looking down into her cup. "Well a lot of things are about to happen," She sighed happily. "Guess now is as good as time as any to tell you. Zane and I, we're adopting."

I nearly chocked on my coffee. Adoption? That's a big thing to take on someone else's child. Then it occurred to me; "Wait, why aren't you guys, well you know," I was a bit embarrassed to finish my sentence.

"We've tried Jay," She placed her cup onto the table and repositioned herself so she was sitting on a leg and facing me. "Five years we've been trying. Only our parents knew. Every time we were successful, I didn't make it pass week ten and then every other time we just failed." I felt tears in my eyes. How can she be so calm about all this? I never knew one of my best friends was going through such an ordeal. She leant over, placing a hand on my leg. "It's okay, we've come to terms with it but we still want to be a family so naturally adoption is our path."

"What about IVF?" I asked.

"And waste thousands on something that might not work?" Her soft smile never left. Maybe she's being so calm because of Koyo. "I'd rather spend that money on a child I know I can have in my life and make them happy. We've discussed every aspect of this Jay and it's what we want."

"So, I'm going to have a cousin?" Koyo came running up excitedly. Emiko nodded making Koyo cheer. "Will it be a boy or girl?"

"Does it matter?" Emiko raised an eyebrow and Koyo shuck his head. "Tell you what, I want to speak to your Papa about some Christmas stuff, how about I set up the games console in the conservatory for you to play?"

Koyo cheered again, waving his hands in the air and the two disappeared. I'm still in shocked over the news. I'm happy that the two of them want to be a family but I never knew they couldn't have kids of their own. I shouldn't have been able to have Koyo and yet the two of them, who should be able to, well, they can't. I always thought they'd make great parents. It makes sense now. After the stag party, Jesse told me how Zane flipped out when babies were mentioned. It must be all the anger of not being able to convince and the thought of those miscarriages going through his mind. "That should keep the little man quiet for a while," Emiko plopped herself down next to me again. I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug. "I'm sorry for not telling you. We weren't sure how to tell anyone."

"No, I'm sorry," I cried holding onto her. "You must feel like I waved Koyo in your face. I shouldn't have even been able to have -"

"Oh shush," She cooed. "You did nothing wrong. That little boy has the most wonderful papa and that's all you need to care about. If you want to help us however, all I ask is you support Zane and I in this process." I sat up, nodding frantically. "Thank you. Anyway, so on another subject how's Jesse's divorce coming along. Zane told me Alexis' lawyer has all the paperwork finished her end but as no pre-nub was in place, he's worried things will get a bit sticky."

I shuck my head. "From what I've been told Jesse's let Alexis keep the house as it's her name anyway," I explained. "She's giving him his deposit back and as there isn't many assets they own together, dividing the rest should be easy."

"I'm glad," She sighed then her smile turned evil. "So, tell me after ten years without any, how was it?"

I felt the blood rush immediately to my face. I knew exactly what she was talking about and images of that night came flooding back. Emiko began to giggle like she was back in the academy. "It was pretty good," I teased. "Got to say, I have not had that type of release in so long we went at it again the next morning."

We both burst into laughter and a very confused Zane entered the room. "What did I miss here?" He asked, cocking a brow. He was soon distracted as Koyo came running from the other room and into his arms. Causing Zane to drop his suitcase in the process, luckily no papers fell out. "How's my favourite little man? You got big while I was gone."

Koyo laughed and then begged for Zane to let him help open some of the gifts with him. With Emiko's blessing Zane found himself on the floor with Koyo opening the gifts and cards.


When we got home, I found Jesse already preparing dinner. I got to give him credit; he's took on a fair amount of the chores to make sure everything stays as normal as possible. After Koyo said hi to Jesse, he ran to the living room to watch his afternoon cartoons. I walked into the kitchen, being greeted by a kiss. "What's wrong?" Jesse asked turning off the stove.

I sighed. I mean, I have permission to tell him. "I never realised how lucky I was to be able to get pregnant," I started, I choked a bit feeling a lump in my throat. "Emiko and Zane, they can't have a baby Jess." Jesse's eyes widened, coming to the same conclusion I did about the stag party. "They're adopting instead. They are telling everyone slowly but I just-"

I burst out crying in guilt. Jesse hugged me tightly, rubbing my back to calm me down. I've been so blind to other people all these years. How could I have not noticed the upset one of my best friends, and neither the less, Koyo's Godmother was going through. "We'll support them," Jesse encouraged. "Like they've done for you all these years."

I nodded. It's the least I could do, right?

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