I'm So Sorry ("The Fight" Part 2)

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"What have I done?" Jughead asked himself as he backed himself up against his wall. He slid down the wall and began crying, and as if his tears were rain, they started pouring, along with actual rain.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Betty," he cried, though Betty had left. "I'm such an idiot," he said before taking off the Southside Serpent jacket and throwing it angrily to the ground. Even with the sound of pouring rain outside, Jughead heard knocks on the door. He hesitantly stood up and opened it.

"Betty?" Jughead called out in shock when he saw her standing there in the pouring rain for him. "I'm so, so, so sorry, Juggie. I didn't mean it, I didn't mean any of the terrible things I said," Betty said, crying. "What happened to your head?" Jughead asked in deep concern.

"I tripped," Betty answered. "Here, come in," Jughead offered, stepping out of the way as Betty walked into the door. She was shivering, even with her coat on. Jughead went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet" he came out with a damp washcloth and bandage. "This might sting a little," Jughead warned before gently pressing the cloth onto Betty's forehead.

"Jug?" Betty called, looking at him once the two sat down on the couch. "If you need to join the Serpents, if you need to be protected by them, I support you," Betty said. "Like you said, they're family, and if that's important to you, I will be there for you. If we run into conflicts, we solve them, we don't give up," Betty said.

"I don't need them. You're the only family I need," said Jughead as he wrapped his arms around Betty. "And I am so sorry for yelling at you. And using the word that you hate. And labeling you. And lowkey slut shaming you,"Jughead apologized. "Hey, it's okay," Betty said, cupping his cheek.

"I forgive you. I love you, Jughead," Betty added as she laid her head on his chest. "I don't know what I was thinking letting you walk out," Jughead sighed. "You were angry. I was angry. Just promise me one thing," Betty requested. "Anything," Jughead responded with a tear leaving his eye. Betty grew a slight smile and said, "If we ever fight again, know how to hate me, and then love me again."

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