Devil's Breath

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Thank you so much to decy_fanarts on Instagram who made the art above and allowed me permission to write this and include their art. Thank you and enjoy!

TW: blood, attempted murder

Song Credit: "listen before i go" by Billie Eilish

Timeset: 4x13/4x16

"Oh my god! Jughead, what happened?" Veronica asked as she stood beside Archie in the woods, her best friend unconscious just a few feet away from the two. "Betty," Archie called out as both he and Veronica raced over, Jughead standing with a blood-smeared rock in his hand over the blonde. 

"Is she breathing?" he asked before kneeling beside Betty, her eyes closed and head bleeding. The ginger put two fingers on her neck, feeling for a pulse and coming up empty-handed. He turned his head over his shoulder, looking back and saying, "She's dead."

"Archie," Jughead breathed out, his eyes racing back and forth from the bloody girl on the ground to he matching rock in his hand as the only words Veronica could pronounce were "Oh my god, oh my god."

"Jughead, what happened?" Archie asked as the boy began walking around the ginger to Betty, kneeling on to the ground and taking her face in his hands. He cried, trying to fathom what to do before stuttering out, "Arch, start pounding on her chest. Right now, okay?"

"Veronica, use my beanie to stop the bleeding," he said, handing the girl the beanie from his head before counting the compressions on the blonde's chest. "One, two, three, four, five," Jughead breathed out before pinching Betty's nose and breathing into her mouth.

"Come on, Betts," he sobbed as he let go of her lips. "Four," Archie counted as all three began crying and speaking over each other. "Jughead, she's dead," Veronica said as Archie continued his chest compressions.

"Come back to me, Betts," Jughead cried again before going back to CPR, this time waking the blonde and eliciting a gasp out of everyone. "Betty, hey, hey. Hey," he said softly, trying to ease the blonde as best he could. "We're gonna get you to a hospital, okay?" 

"No. No hospital," Betty breathed out, her eyes slowly closing again. "Betts," he sighed as her eyes closed, leading Jughead to shake her head slightly and say, "Hey, stay awake. Stay with me, please, Betts."

"Hey, stay awake, okay?" he pleaded to no avail, for the girl on the ground had already returned to unconsciousness, where she'd remain for the next day and a half. "I'm calling Charles," Jughead said in a whisper before pulling out his phone.  "I'm calling Charles."

"What? Why?" Veronica asked tearfully. "We can trust him," Jughead replied, trying to find his half-brother in the list of contacts. "He'll help us, okay?" "Charles? I'm in the woods, with...Archie and Veronica, Bety, she's hurt...really badly," he rambled into the line as Archie tried to wake Betty up. 

"We need...we need help. Please." Charles took everything in and gave the three of them instructions, carry Betty through the woods to the old postal road and Charles would be waiting there with an FBI Med-Van. 

"What happened to her, Jughead?" Charles asked as they approached him, Archie and Veronica walking alongside Jughead, who had the blonde in his arms. "Head wound. We slowed the bleeding, we did chest compressions and CPR."

"You think she's gonna make it?" Archie asked as the medical staff took Betty into the Van, laying her down on the stretcher. "We're gonna do everything that we can," Charles replied as the three teens sighed, hoping for the best.

And thirty-six hours later, Betty woke up.

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