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Happy 2020! Let's start the decade off right with an agere collab with Dandelionbaby!! Enjoy!

"Jug," Betty sighed, sitting down on the couch beside Jughead as he typed on his computer. "What's up, blondie?" he asked playfully, closing his laptop. "I wanted to talk to you. About the...the regression thing you told me about."

“What about it?” He asked softly, leaning over to place his laptop on the coffee table in their living room. She made a gesture with her hands, stuttering as her cheeks turned red. “I just don’t know how to do it!” she finally sighed, leaning her head on her hand.

"What do you mean, babe? You don't know how to what?" "It's like...I wanna be in my little space, but I don't know how to do it; I don't know how to get there," Betty sighed, her lips slightly pouting as her eyes looked down. "Tell you what, come here," Jughead said gently, helping to lay her down, her head resting in his lap as his hand ran through her hair.

His fingers massaged her scalp, every so often, bending down and placing a chaste kiss to her forehead. He had brought regression up in the first place as a coping mechanism for her; thinking it would be helpful in relaxing her. “It’s okay honey, let me take care of you.”

"I wish I could," she sighed, closing her eyes slowly. "Shh, baby, just relax. It's okay, you're okay," he soothed with a smile, watching her eyebrows furrow. "It's not working! Nothing's working!"

She sat up abruptly, moving to the far side of the couch with teeth in her lip as she bit back tears. “Betty come here, please.” Jughead tried, open arms warm and welcoming.

"Jug, it's not working. Maybe I just can't do it, maybe this isn't for me," Betty cried, standing up and starting to walk away before Jughead grabbed her hand gently, stopping the blonde in her tracks. "Come here, baby. Just come here and let me help you," he said softly, helping sit her down on his lap, the blonde curling up against him.

He rubbed her back, pressing her against him as he consoled her. “It’s okay, we'll get there. Sometimes it just takes time.” She nodded against his chest, her eyes burning as he cuddled her.

He held her close as she cried. He knew she was tired, stressed, and anxious, and it hurt him to know he couldn’t do more for his blonde. “Shh, love. It’s gonna be okay.”

"But I wanted this to work so badly," she sniffled. "Don't force it, baby. Just relax, hon. And it's okay if it doesn't work for you," Jughead eased, his hand gently sliding down her arm and then back up.

“If you get there, then great! But if you don’t, that’s okay. We can find other way to help you.” Jughead said reassuringly, kissing her forehead softly.

"How do I get to my little space?" Betty asked in a mumble. "You want me to talk to you, baby? Think that might help?" Jughead offered, running a hand through her hair.

She nodded, sitting up in his lap so that she could lay her head against his shoulder. “You’re my babygirl,” Jughead murmured against her temple.

"My adorable, precious babygirl, you know that?" he asked softly, placing a small kiss on the top of her head. She nodded slowly with a sigh before he continued. "You're so pretty, baby. My pretty little girl."

Her hands grasped his flannel without her even knowing it. “You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.” He spoke poetically, his words washing over her like water lapping onto sand.

Betty mumbled against his chest, to quiet for Jughead to hear. "What was that, babygirl?" he asked, softly tucking her hair behind her ear.

She whined, and rubbed her face slowly against his shirt. He rested his head on top of hers, and smiled; she was getting there. “That’s it, baby. You’re my good little girl.”

Suddenly, a sound broke out; a giggle. Betty was giggling against his shirt; a tell-tale sign she was in her little space. "Good job, babygirl! I'm so proud of you!"

Jughead beamed, rubbing her back and leaning her away from his chest so he could make eye contact with her. “Yay!” He spoke comfortingly, “Betty did it!” She pointed at herself, before smiling, her cheeks rosy as she pushed her finger against her lips.

"Yes, yes you did," he replied with a smile. It was, after all, a big accomplishment for Betty to fully get into her little space, given she was incredibly new to regression and the concept. "Who's my good girl? Hmm? Can you tell me?" Jughead asked playfully.

His fingers tickling her sides as she squealed. “Who’s my good girl?” She bit her lip and pointed to herself. “Me!” Jughead nodded and smiled wrapping her in a close hug as she giggled.

Betty's giggle was soon followed by a yawn, leading Jughead to ask, "Is it nap time for you, sweetheart?" She nodded softly, laying her head on his chest. She mumbled when she felt him carrying her, kicking her legs slightly and whining, "No, I wanna cuddle with you on the couch!"

“I think it’s nap time for you, button,” he said, even though he sat back on the couch, reaching for one of the many throw blankets they had. “No,” she whined, looking up at him through watery eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," he soothed. "It's okay, babygirl, we can still cuddle," he said, adjusting the blanket over her shoulders. "I love you...Daddy," she mumbled, falling asleep. Jughead was surprised to hear her say that; he wasn't expecting any titles, given how new Betty was to the whole concept of age regression. Regardless, he accepted the new name with a smile before responding, "I love you too, baby."

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