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Another fan-fucking-tastic agere collab with  Dandelionbaby. Enjoy!!

Jughead signed as he checked the broken thermostat. It had been two hours since the power went out, which would have been bad on its own, but add the fact it was -5° outside in the middle of winter. 

There were candles that had been strategically placed around the living room to lighten the space, although darkness still remained. "Do you want me to run out and get some wood for the fireplace?" he asked, turning to look at his blonde, laying across the couch. 

Betty's eyes widened at the thought of being left alone in the cold, dark, space without him and pleaded, "No, Daddy, you have to stay here with me!" Jughead bit his lip as she gripped the kitchen counter, his mind stuck between running out or staying with her.

Above anything else, he needed to make sure Betty stayed warm and safe, but it was difficult with no power. "Then do you wanna go with me, babygirl?" "Daddy, the windows!" Betty exclaimed, pointing her finger across the room to a window which was almost covered halfway with snow.

"Well, looks like we won't be going anywhere, then," Jughead muttered before walking over to his shivering girl,  clad in only his T-shirt and a pair of fluffy pajama pants. "Heres what we're gonna do, you need to go change into one of your sweaters and my jacket, okay, baby? I don't want you getting sick."

Betty nodded, reaching up for him as he cupped her cheek. He helped her stand and sent her off to his room. In her absence, Jughead looked around for any blankets he could find, making sure to set them on the couch before heading into the home office to grab his laptop.

"Daddy?" Betty called out after coming down the stairs, scared he had left her alone. "I'm right here, baby," Jughead replied soothingly, a gentle hand on her back guiding her toward the couch. 

As she laid down and got comfortable, he covered her with all the blankets he had found, willing to do anything to keep her warm and comfortable. "I know Daddy said to get a sweater, but I took one of your hoodies instead," she giggled mischievously, her hands gripping the throw blanket that sat on top of her in tight fists.

"That's just fine, love. As long as you stay warm," Jughead replied, witch a smile. Betty smiled up at him and scooted herself over to make room as he laid beside her. "Hold me, Daddy," she whined, reaching her arms over him.

"I am, baby. I am holding you," he chuckled, pulling her closer as she continued to shiver. Betty's fingertips lightly grazed Jughead's skin as he looked down at her in pity, taking her hands in his and sighing. "You're hands are like ice, baby."

She nodded, tucking her head in the crook of his neck as he caressed her palms lightly. Jughead situated the blankets more comfortably around her shoulders while she continued to shiver. "Daddy, I'm cold," she mumbled, leaning into his touch as he kissed her forehead.

"I know, baby. I know," Jughead murmured in response, pulling her in and resting his head lightly on top of hers. "Maybe if Daddy gave me more cuddles I'd be warm again," she giggled, grabby hands clutching onto his shirt. "Oh really?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Soon enough, his hands were traveling under the layers of blankets to tickle her stomach, making her fight against his hand and erupt into a fit of giggles. "How's this for cuddling?" Jughead teased with a grin as Betty tried squirming away. "Daddy...D-Daddy, stop!" she giggled until he finally pulled his hand away. 

"Come here, baby," he smiled, noticing how she managed to slip away. She pointed a finger at him and pouted, "No more tickles!" Jughead put his hands up in surrender, obliging as she scooted back to her spot. He peppered Betty with kisses and held her close before a cold breeze blew over the two and she shivered in his arms.

"Aw, come here, my little baby Betts," Jughead cooed gently, adjusting the blankets over her. "Daddy, I don't feel good," Betty mumbled with her head against his chest. "Please don't get sick. Please, please," he whispered, bringing a hand to the back of her head, cradling her gently.

"Why can't I get sick, Daddy?" she asked with beady eyes looking up at him. "Because it's not good for you, baby," Jughead answered, trying to adjust the many blankets over her rather than him. 

"But Daddy will get sick, too!" Betty cried out, moving all the blankets off of her and onto him. "Shh, shh, baby, it's okay. I'm warm, unlike you, which is why you need the blankets, okay?" "I'm not that cold," she said with chattering teeth. "Then why are you snuggling up so close to me?" he chuckled with an arm wrapped around her.

"Because I love you, Daddy," she answered, a smile painting her lips. "I love you too, babygirl," Jughead murmured against the top of her head. Betty whined, shivering until he ran a gentle hand through her hair, hushing, "Shh, love. You'll get warm soon."

"Can Daddy hold me tighter?" she asked in a small voice. "Of course. Anything for my little babygirl," he replied before kissing the top of her head. Jughead did just that; he held her against his chest as she laid her head underneath his chin.

Betty yawned as she snuggled up against him. "When will the power turn back on?" she asked sleepily. "I don't know, baby. I don't know." "When will the snow stop?" "I don't know that either, love, I'm sorry," Jughead answered as she yawned once more.

"Is it bedtime for you, baby?" he asked, looking at her down in his arms. She shook her head lightly with her eyes closed until the next thing he knew, she was asleep peacefully. Jughead chuckled and kissed the top of her head, whispering a gentle, "Goodnight, my beautiful babygirl."

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