Careful What You Wish For

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It just feels right to write with you, Dandelionbaby.


The blonde whimpered as she looked at the handcuffs binding her wrists to the headboard. "Why so sad?" Jughead asked as he looked over, bundles of rope coming undone in his hands. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?'

The blonde nodded, her lips quivering as she looked up at him. "What, sweetheart?" Jughead asked softly, placing a hand on her knee as he set the twine down. "Yes," Betty answered aloud, only to feel her chin come into his grip as he asked, "Yes, what, baby?" 

"Yes, this is what I wanted." "Are you scared? Are you not comfortable?" He asked, concerned with his hands itching to unbind her fragile-looking body. She shook her head, a raised eyebrow responding to her. 

She cleared her throat before answering, "N-No, I'm fine." "Promise?" "I promise." "Okay, honey, you know what to say if you need to stop." Jughead spoke strongly, making sure his words got across before he grabbed the rope once more.

Jughead set it on the nightstand, watching as Betty's eyes followed his hand. "You want that, don't you, little rope bunny?" "Uh-huh," she managed, his hands on her sides making exhales come out shakily.

His hands ran up and down her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "I want more," Betty cried out softly. She slightly jutted her legs out with her words, only to get a chaste kiss above her belly button and the words, "You're not getting rewarded, darling." 

"But--" "Don't you wanna see what I have planned for you?" Jughead interrupted. With a whimper, Betty nodded, a gentle hand coming to the side of her face as he replied, "Then be a quiet kitten for me."

Betty shook her head almost violently, causing Jughead to chuckle as he kissed her neck softly, nipping the skin below her ear. "Why not?" he asked with another chuckle. "Because I can't," she answered softly. "Not even for me?" 

"No, because you make me feel too good," Betty whined, watching as his hand landed on her inner thigh. "Just try, sweetheart. I won't be mad if you slip." "I have a surprise for you, but I need you to close your eyes," Jughead said softly, sitting back on his heels and watching as the blonde's eyes closed before reaching beneath the bed and setting a gift bag on the nightstand.

 Betty's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to make out the sounds, although it wasn't until she felt pressure against her underwear followed by rhythmic vibrations that she knew what it was. She gasped, her eyes opening suddenly at the pleasure she found. 

"It's okay baby," Jughead soothed, pressing it against her ache as she ground against the toy, doing whatever possible to get closer; her whines and whimpers unkempt as she mewled softly. "Good, baby. You're doing so good for me," Jughead praised, his lips latching onto the skin beneath her jawline as Betty whimpered. 

"I'm close," she whined, turning her head to meet his gaze. "Yeah?" he taunted, making the blonde not violently. "You wanna let go for me?" "Please," Betty whimpered, only for the click of the toy turning off to reply.

"No!" Betty cried out, her legs kicking slightly as she tried to chase her waves. "Shh, love. We'll get you there soon, just not quite yet." "But I was so close," she whimpered, her lip pouting as Jughead reached over to unlock her cuffs, pulling her up by her hands to sit up on her knees before grabbing two strands of rope, one wrapping around both of her wrists, keeping them behind her back.

"I know, honey. It's gonna be alright, I promise you. Do you trust me?" Jughead soothed, brushing back the loose hairs from the blonde's forehead. "But I want more!" He only chuckled in response before using the second rope to make intricate knots over her stomach and chest only for the point of getting the blonde even more wound up. 

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