3 AM

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Three in the morning is made for certain things. Partying? Sure. Sleeping? Definitely! Making pancakes? Maybe not for most people, but Betty Jones wasn't 'most people.'

"What are you doing, Betts? It's early," A tired Jughead asked, the hardwood floor creaking beneath him. "We were hungry," she replied, still facing the stove.

Jughead chuckled as Betty turned towards him. "How is our little girl?" Jug asked, getting on one knee and kissing Betty's pregnant stomach.

"Hungry. Fiesty, too, she likes to kick a lot," Betty chuckled, flipping a pancake. "Hmm, she must take after her mom," Jughead chuckled.

"She's also insatiable, so she takes after her dad, too," Betty joked. "Want one?" Betty asked, transferring a golden pancake from the pan to a plate.

"Yeah, why not?" Jughead smiled, kissing the top of Betty's head. "Ow, fuck!" Betty exclaimed, putting a hand on her stomach and trying not to bend over too much.

"On second thought, maybe not," Jughead replied, rushing to help Betty sit down. "Jug...I think...tonight is...the night," Betty strained to get out, holding onto Jughead's shoulder.


From the drive to the hospital to being in the bed, Betty's pain didn't stop. "Just breathe, Betts. I'm right here. Just breathe," Jughead said, trying to calm Betty down while internally freaking out.

"Alright, three, two, one, push!" A loud groan accompanied Betty's ministrations as she gripped onto Jughead's hand tighter.

"It's okay, baby, you've got this. You've got this."


A loud cry erupted into the room, but it wasn't Betty. "Did I...did I do it? Is she...is she here?" Betty asked, panting and out-of-breath.

"You did it, Betts, you did it!" Jughead said, putting a hand on her shoulder and a kiss on her head before the two were greeted with their daughter.

"Hi, baby girl!" Betty cooed gently, taking her child onto her arms. "Hey there, Juliet," Jughead said, tears slipping through his eyes.

Three in the morning is meant for certain things. Sleeping? Definitely! Pancakes? Maybe. Being born? Maybe not for most people, but Juliet Jones wasn't 'most people.'

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