Help Me ("Victim" Part 2)

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Song Credit: "The Draining Room" by Em Harriss

TW: abuse, restricted eating

Betty's POV

The next morning, Archie and I went to meet up with Veronica and Jughead at Pop's. I put on a simple V-neck sweater, but that was apparently unacceptable. "You're showing too much skin," he pointed out before we left. "No one else should be seeing that except for me, don't forget who you belong to."

Of course, Archiekins.

I threw on my jacket and zipped it all the way up. "Much better. Thanks, babe," Archie said as he pecked my cheek and walked by me. "Well, anything for you," I lied, a fake smile pasted on my lips as he headed out the door.


We walked into Pop's with Veronica and Jughead already there in our booth, sitting besides each other. Jughead and Veronica aren't dating, but they know the rule, Archie always has to be next to me.

As we walked over, Veronica and Jughead's smiles were brought down at the sight of my face.

Wow, thanks.

"B, what happened to you? You have a huge bruise on the side of your face," Veronica asked concernedly, reaching out her arm to our side of the booth. I looked over at Archie who gave me a snake glare before turning his head and putting on a fake sympathetic look.

"Oh, Betty had a little incident with a door. Poor girl ran into it by accident last night," he said.

Oh, yes.

Poor, poor girl.

When I didn't say anything, Archie reached his hand out on my outer thigh and squeezed tight. "Yeah, yeah. I was running to grab my phone; my mom was calling," I lied. While Veronica bought it, Jughead looked at me with pity before looking at Archie.

"I'm assuming you took care of her, right? When you found what happened?" he asked, sparkig interragation.

Mmhmm, Archie took care of me alright.

One way or another.

"Yeah, yeah, absolutely," Archie lied, reaching for a fry and putting it in his mouth. I was starving but I knew I wasn't allowed to eat anything fattening like this. I had to look good for Archie. That included being 80 pounds or under.

Nothing higher allowed.

Throughout our 'hang out session,' Jughead kept looking at me suspiciously. But not just looking at me.

Looking through me.

In my eyes.

The ones that were screaming.

Screaming, "Help me!"

I brushed it off, but he didn't. "I'm going to run to the bathroom," announced Veronica as she scooted out of the booth. Almost as soon as she left, Archieś phone started ringing and he said, "I gotta take this," before heading out to the front of Pop's.

"Betty, it's just us now," Jughead said seriously.

I've dreamt of hearing him say those words.

Only the setting was different.

And he was smiling.

And he was holding my hand.

And I wasn't crying.

Yes, it's true, a few ters were threatning to spill out. "What happened? How did you get that?" he asked gently. 

A tear fell slowly.

"I can't tell you," my voice cracked as I looked down. "Yes, Betty. Yes, you can. I think...I think I already know. I just need that confirmtion," he replied. 

I looked up a little bit.

"You don't have to tell me what happened. You don't have to say anything. You can just nod or shake your head," Jughead instructed. Nod to what.

"Did Archie hurt you?"

I looked up fully now, eyes pouring out. I looked outside the window to see Archie on the phone before looking back at Jughead.

And I nodded.

He sighed sympathetically. "I will get you out of this. I promise you, Betty. I will get you away from him."

I smiled before the front door of Pop's opened and in walked Archie. I quickly dried my tears as he came over, saying, "C'mon, babe, let's go," grabbing my arm and practically yanking me out of the booth, leading me to the door.

Away from Jughead.

Away from hope.

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