What Cologne Can't Replace

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Timeset: 4x12

Betty's ears still rang as she hurried home away from Stonewall prep, only hearing his voice in yells as she puffed out a breath. Her shoes clicked against the sidewalk, her heart heavy and body hollow. It followed her into the house as she walked up the stairs and into her room, ignoring Alice's callings and slamming her door behind her. Betty sat on the edge of her bed, taking off her jacket and slipping off her shoes before holding her head in her hands, finally allowing herself to sob in the privacy of her own home.

Her eyes felt swollen and her face flushed; she hoped whatever was happening between them would pass soon, partly because she couldn't stand him being mad at her. Once the anger passed, Betty started feeling more hallowed than before, noticing just how lonely she was without being able to talk to him. "Betty, what is going on," asked Alice as she walked in. As if she wasn't already outside of her best mood, the not knocking killed her.

"I'd really like to be alone right now, Mom," the blonde spoke, her voice muffled and monotone as she kept her head down. "When can I expect you downstairs? FP and I were talking and we thought it would be fun to have a game night." Betty shook her head, her breaths uneven as she whispered a hoarse, "Not tonight, Mom" She shuttered once the door closed, her eyes still closed and hands moving to pull out her ponytail before she stood up again.

Pushing back her covers, Betty laid down and tucked herself in, nearly curling into a ball before the loneliness kicked in again, almost unbearable now. It was weird to her, they were laughing over mindless things just a couple of hours ago. But things can change, and change is hard to absorb."Fucking hell," Betty mumbled to herself before getting up and walking over to her dresser where both, her perfume and Jughead's cologne sat, grabbing his bottle and spraying it on his pillow before tucking herself back in, holding his pillow close to her chest with her leg swung over it-- at least this way she could pretend all was good between them.

She couldn't keep her tears at bay, wanting so badly to feel him around her. Wishing the warmth she felt was from his embrace instead of her blankets. She finally let her eyes close and let her thoughts roam. Minutes later, maybe an hour, she heard a voice breaking the silence. "How 'bout I do you one better than that pillow?"

Betty opened her eyes as Jughead crouched down next to the bed, putting his hand on top of hers as her voice cracked through her words. "You really fucking hurt me, Jug." "I know," he replied quietly, knowing this is where it got harder. "I know I did. That's why I came. To fix things with you." Betty made a low sound in the back of her throat, feeling conflicted. She wanted to push him away as punishment but she knew that was also punishment to herself. So she gave in and pushed the pillow away.

He started standing up before she wrapped her arms around him and pushed him down sobbing into his shoulder as he put his hand on her back to comfort the trembling blonde. "I hate it when you yell," she cried. "I hate it when you yell at me." He was quiet for a second, not knowing what to say because he hated himself too when he yelled. "I'm sorry, Betts. I'm so sorry," the boy almost whimpered.

"I just get so frustrated sometimes," he admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed as Betty sat up. "I think I have my dad's temper." Betty only looked at the back of his head in response, knowing it was a touchy subject. "I shouldn't have gotten so worked up," Jughead said before lowering his voice and turning back to look at her. "That's on me, babe."

"Oh, Jug, what are we doing?" Betty cried, gesturing with her hands before letting them fall in her lap. "We're miserable when we're like this," she said as he shifted his body towards her. "So let's stop fighting. Just talk. Talk to me about how you feel and what you think and I'll talk to you. Nobody wins in a screaming match, Betts," Jughead said, taking her hands in hers as she scoffed and said, "Don't I know it."

"I'm not trying to patronize you, Betty, and please stop me if it seems like I am," he reasoned. "I'm just trying to see your side of the story." The blonde fought hard not to act on any target behaviors, the urge to sink her nails into her palms was strong as she felt this conversation might turn into another fight. "I just," she paused, trying to fathom the right words to say. "I know we're gonna have disagreements, but i want to be able to talk to you without fighting. And when we do fight, I wanna be able to address it instead of letting it be some unspoken tension between us."

"I want that too," Jughead said, scooting closer to wrap his arm around her. "So let's talk about it." And they did. They spent the better half of an hour talking through their respective sides of the story and compromising until Betty was nearly falling asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and sat her up momentarily, remarking a simple, "Let's get you tucked in, 'kay?"

"Wait." she said softly putting a hand on his shoulder. " You have to promise me you'll stay. Please, Jug?" she pleaded softly, craving his warmth. "Where else would I go?" he nearly chuckled as he fitted the sheets over her shoulders. "Back to Stonewall," she mumbled, inciting a small sigh from the boy as he replied, "Stonewall doesn't have you," before setting his beanie on the nightstand and trading his prep school clothes for pajamas.

"You got room for me under there?" he asked. She nodded and scooted over, opening her arms for him to lay between and kissing his cheek as he settled in. She laid her leg over his knees and pushed herself as close as possible into his side. "I love you," Jughead said softly, taking her hand in his. "Jug, can you promise me something?" Betty asked quietly. "Of course I can. Anything, baby," he answered, his hand moving back and forth across her back. "Promise me forever."

He was taken aback for a second, thinking that forever had already been an unspoken promise between them, but realizing that after the rollercoaster they'd been through in that night alone, the blonde was in need of conformation. "Forever," he replied, holding out his pinkie. She looked up at him, unsure at first before latching her pinkie with his. "Of course I can promise you forever, baby," Jughead said before kissing her forehead. "That was my intention all along."

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