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There's nothing better than waking up on Christmas morning. That was no different with Betty, who woke up eager to see the snow on her windows. "Juggie. Juggie, wake up, it's Christmas!" Betty shook her boyfriend awake. "Juuuuuuuuuggggie!" She called while grabbing his arm and bouncing on her knees. Jughead woke up, opening one eye and looking at Betty. "So I take it it's Christmas?" Jughead said with a smile. Betty squealed and hurried off her bed.

"C'mon Juggie! We have to go wake up Veronica, Cheryl, and Archie!" Betty rushed as Jughead got up. Betty's parents went on a trip to see the rest of The Cooper family for Christmas, as Betty stayed home with Cheryl, Veronca, Archie, and of course, Jughead. Betty walked into her sister Polly's old room to see Cheryl and Veronica fast asleep, holding each other in their arms. Betty hushed an "Aw!" In the back of her head, though she knew it was one of the cutest things she's ever seen.

She slowly crept in the room, Jughead standing in the doorway, and Cheryl woke up without Betty even doing anything. "Morning, Betty. May I ask why you're sleep stalking us?" Cheryl greeted in a whisper, not wanting to wake Veronica. "Cheryl, it's Christmas!" Betty whispered back. Cheryl's eyes shot out of her head as she turned to wake her girlfriend. "Wake up, Ronniekins, it's Christmas!" Cheryl said as he tried to get Veronica to wake up.

Once both girls were awake and up, they went into the guest room to find a sleeping Archie. While Betty thought of a wake up tactic, Jughead gained and idea. On the count of three, they would all jump on the bed and scream "Merry Christmas!" "One, two, three!" Jughead counted as everyone did their reciting. Archie woke up and comically yelled back, "Merry Christmas to you too!" with a smile. "C'mon, Arch!" Betty said as everyone stepped off the bed, including Archie.

Everyone headed downstairs and everybody saw the video tree. "Presents!" all the girls screamed and raced the the tree. Archie and Jug chuckled and Jughead nudged Archie's arm. "Don't laugh at my girl. The other two are okay," Jughead joked as both boys made their way to the tree, where the girls were sorting the gifts. "Okay, this goes to you," Betty said, handing a present back to Veronica. "This one's mine," said Cheryl. "Betty, this is yours," she added, handing a present wrapped in red sparkly paper.

Once everyone had their presents, they decided Veronica should go first. She picked out a square shaped box and lifted the lid. It was a new pearl necklace. She turned to Cheryl in awe. "I know you haven't had the best experience with your dad, but I also know how much you love pearls. So I thought maybe, instead of wearing those and thinking of your dad, you could wear these and think of me," Cheryl explained. Her words brought tears to Veronica's eyes. She hugged her and wiped a tear from her eye before kissing Cheryl on the lips.

Veronica unhooked her dad's necklace and threw it away as Cheryl put the new necklace on Veronica. "It's perfect!" Veronica said happily. Next it was Cheryl's turn to open the gift Veronica got her."No way!" Cheryl screamed as she pulled out two front row tickets to Lana Del Rey's concert. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed, pulling her girlfriend into a hug. Next it was Jughead's turn. He carefully took the lid off a blue box and pulled out his old stuffed animal.

"It's my old dog, Hot Dog," Jughead announced. "I thought you lost that," Archie said. "He did, but I found it two weeks ago. Thought I'd surprise him," Betty explained, laying her head on Jughead shoulder and accepting a kiss from him. "Okay, my turn," Archie said, opening a box with his name on it. His smile faded when he saw what was inside. He flew his head back and fought a smile. "What is it, Arch?" Betty asked, concerned. Archie pulled out a lump of coal from the box and everyone erupted into laughter, mainly Cheryl and Veronica.

"I didn't think you were actually going to do it!" Cheryl laughed. Veronica calmed herself down and reached behind her."Just kidding, Arch. Here you go," she said, underhand tossing a box to him. He opened it and saw his very own songbook. "Thought you could use this for your music instead of the back of your math notebook. "Thanks, Ronnie," Archie said.


After everyone finished their gifts, the only one left was for Betty, and it was huge. Betty stood up and removed the lid of the 20x20 box, only to find a smaller box, and in that one, a smaller box. The boxes went on until there was only a 2x2 box, which Jughead gently took from her as he got down on one knee and opened it, "Betty Cooper, will you marry me?"

Hey guys! I have been having to type on an iPad as of recently, seeing as I don't have my computer. Really really hoped you enjoyed this one shot, I know it is personally one of my favorites. There will be a part two, don't fret, my little dollies. What do you think Betty will say to the proposal? I thought it would be fun to add Cheronica in here because...its Cheronica. Until next time, bye!

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