Camp Sweetwater

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Definitely didn't get this concept from American Horror Story: Murder House and then format it to resemble AHS: 1984. Pfftt, definitely not. (I did). Enjoy!

TW: mention of death, drowning.

Everyone knew that Camp Sweetwater used to be the most popular summer camp in all of Riverdale. Every May, a busful of eager kids would come to the camp and spend the hot days in cabins or at the dock. Every camper that'd ever gone said it was the best summer they've ever had.

No one knew why it suddenly closed down except for the workers, but they were all silent about it. Not a counselor or member of the mess hall staff said a word about Camp Sweetwater's sudden lockdown.

It'd happened when Betty was younger. Her sister, Polly had wanted to go ever since she was six. Three years later, she was finally old enough to go, and that was the summer Camp Sweetwater was no longer open. 

Polly was devastated. She'd moped around after that for weeks, almost a full month until something new had come about and distracted the little girl from Sweetwater.

At this time, Betty, seven, was keeping to herself and didn't understand why her sister was so upset. A decade later, Polly had graduated and was out of the house, but still somewhat close with her younger sibling.

"Betty? Betty is it true?" Polly asked frantically over the phone. "What? Is what true?" Betty replied with furrowed eyebrows. "Did Camp Sweetwater reopen? I could've sworn I heard something about it," Polly said excitedly.

"Polly, I haven't heard anything about that. Let me look it up real quick." Betty walked over to her laptop and opened a new tab, typing in a quick search of "Camp Sweetwater." Her eyes scanned over the search results before finding an overview of the Camp.

"Camp Sweetwater opened in Riverdale during the 1960s and closed due to unknown circumstances in 2009. It has been closed off ever since with no indication of being reopened anytime soon." 

"Polly," Betty sighed with sympathy. "It says there's 'no indication of being reopened anytime soon.'" "Oh," Polly said on the other line, her tone and demeanor changing drastically. "Oh, that's okay," she added with a small fake chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Pols," Betty replied. "It's fine, really. I guess I just got excited, that's all. Must've been a dream," Polly replied, her voice drowning in false nonchalant tones. "Yeah, maybe," Betty replied with sympathy.

That call gave Betty her idea. She knew Polly's birthday was coming up, and she had always been one for homemade gifts. It probably wouldn't be easy, but nevertheless, Betty grabbed her camera, which was the most important thing she owned, and packed a bag. 


Betty's station wagon was the only car on the road throughout her drive. The route to Sweetwater wasn't complicated, but it certainly sent her further than expected. Music played throughout the car on a low volume; "Can't Stop This Feeling" by Reo Speedwagon finishing itself before switching to "Home Sweet Home" by Mötley Crue. 

The blonde hummed along, fingertips tapping the steering wheel rhythmically before she made a turn, a sign reading "Camp Sweetwater" hanging between two trees greeting Betty before she parked the car outside the camp's entrance. 

She got out of the car before opening one of the back seat's doors, slinging her bag over her shoulder and grabbing her camera from the seat. Taking a few steps back, Betty held the camera up to her face, making sure to get a clear view of the sign before taking a picture, waiting for the film to print and then putting the picture in her back pocket. 

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