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 Dandelionbaby and agere. Yay. Enjoy!

His hands fisted in his hair, pulling at the strands as he started to pace. He let his hands drop to his sides as he shook them, his eyes wide and dilated. "Damn it," Jughead mumbled, coming back to his desk chair and scanning over a page of his writing before tearing it out and crumbling it into a ball.

"Jug?" Betty asked as she walked into the office, having heard him walk around. "Hmm?" he managed, barely sparing her a glance as he threw the paper into the trash. "You okay? You're acting like me when I can't find my bobby pins," she laughed. Jug sighed, putting both hands on her shoulders and saying, "I'm sorry, babe, I'm just...in over my head, here." "Do you need me to help?" the blonde asked hopefully.

"How?" he muttered, shaking his head as if that would magically fix everything. The blonde, having already intended to regress today, took his hand and brought him into the guest room, which acted as her playroom when not accompanied.

"I could give you a distraction," Betty smiled before pecking his lips. Jughead couldn't help but smile back at her, his index fingers tapping her back as if to say, "Jump." She did just that, wrapping her legs around his waist while he walked her over to the dresser to put her hair in pigtails.

He set her down in the chair next to the dresser as he grabbed her hairbrush and bands, gently brushing through her blonde hair. Betty hummed softly before announcing, "I want my butterfly clippies!" Jughead smiled and pat the top of her head before reaching for the hair clips in front of the mirror.

"Okay, precious, he chuckled, putting one on each side of her part as she smiled. "All done," Jughead said with a smile as Betty stood up from the chair. "Thank you, Daddy!" she said happily, feeling smaller already. "You're very welcome. What does my princess wanna do today?"

"Skip!" Betty giggled, her finger pushing up against her lips. "My baby wants to skip?" Jughead chuckled, matching her enthusiasm by raising his eyebrows playfully. "Uh-huh!" she said, skipping around her playroom before seeing her kitten stuffie and gasping, saying, "Kitty!" "Aw, did you find your kitty?" he asked as he kneeled to pick it up for her. "That my kitty, Dada!"

"What's your kitty's name?" Jughead asked softly, handing her the toy as she came and sat on his lap. "Kitty!" She laughed, snuggling it close before she laid her head on his shoulder. "Kitty sleepy," Betty sighed, her fingers running through the fur of her stuffie. "Aw, does Kitty need a nap?" he asked softly, kissing the blonde's cheek.

"Mhmm," she nodded, crawling off of his lap to grab one of her baby blankets. She wrapped the toy inside delicately before handing it to Jughead. "Here you go," she whispered. "Kitty sleeping." "Okay, baby. Why don't we put Kitty down for her nap?" he whispered back. Betty nodded in response, watching as he gently set the stuffed animal on a pillow.

"C'mere, princess," Jughead said softly, sitting the girl on his lap and kissing her cheeks and neck. "Now we have to be quiet, right?" Betty asked in a whisper, looking up at him as he kissed her nose. "That's right, sweetheart. You're so smart!" he whispered.

"Daddy, I hungy," she said, placing a hand on her stomach and looking up at him. "You want Daddy to make you some lunch?" Jughead asked, running a hand through her hair. "Yes, please," she asked with a sweet smile.

"I can do that," Jughead smiled, picking her up so that she was placed at his hip. "Mac and cheese!" "Okay, love, but you need some protein, too." "Nuggies!" she said, huffing slightly with a smile as she was set on the kitchen counter.

"Mac and cheese and nuggies?" he asked with a smile, his hands on the counter bracing himself. "Pretty please," Betty replied, giggling as he kissed her forehead before looking at his office with a sigh, "What wrong, Daddy?"

"I'm just stressed, sweetheart. I'm okay," Jughead smiled, watching as the blonde lifted her hands and cupped his face in her hands. "I sorry," Betty said softly before bouncing slightly and asking, "Does it help dat I love you?"

"Of course, baby," he smiled before the blonde sighed and said, "I really am sorry, Jug," coming back to her regular headspace. "Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to upset you," Jughead sighed, moving away from her as she got off the counter.

"You didn't, baby," Betty said softly, placing her hands on the side of his face. "I was only trying to help distract you, calm you down a bit," she said with a smile, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

"Well, I take it you don't want mac and cheese and nuggets anymore," he smiled, putting his hands on her hips as she shook her head and said, "No, I do. But only if you let me help take some of the stress out of your work."

"For sure, babe," Jughead smiled, bringing her into a hug as he kissed the top of her head. "How long will it take?" "Work or lunch?" "Your work," Betty laughed. "Well, with your help, an hour maybe," he replied, brushing a hand through his hair before Betty smiled, replying, "I'll clear my schedule," bringing her lips to his as soon as she finished her sentence.

"Keep this up and I won't be getting any work done," he chuckled. "Well, I'll go get started while you fix lunch, 'kay?" the blonde smiled before kissing his cheek and walking off to his office. "How damn lucky am I?" Jughead asked himself, watching her with a smile.

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