Chapter 3

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The morning
Mercury has woken up due to goku eating everything in the kitchen and joined him after mercury has fully awaken
Some minutes later
Goku:So mercury wanna spar?

Mercury looking surprised

Mercury:Really I get to fight you?

Goku:Sure I need to see if you've been slacking off on your training

Mercury:Alright let's spar!

Both fighters haven flew to a rocky area,both had given into a stance goku using the stance when he fought vegeta back when vegeta first came to earth and mercury using a stance where his arm is below his waist and a fist over his head somewhat matching goku's

Goku:Alright you ready?

Mercury:Hell yea!

Both fighters dash into each other clashing fists goku then kicks up but mercury rides the kick jumping over goku and elbows into goku's back.Goku then turns around with a punch and hits mercury into a mountain But mercury rushes back in trying to slam goku But goku dodges and grabs mercury throwing him instead.Mercury catches himself then fly's back into goku punching him in the stomach goku falls back but kicks up this time hitting mercury but mercury is barely fazed by it

Mercury:Hyper Rush!!

Mercury goes into a full speed punching combination into goku's chest causing goku to be blowback into a ledge as goku starts to charge mercury doesn't let him punching goku in the face then kneeling his chest finally finishing his move with a backflip kick sending goku into the air

Goku:*Out of breath* not bad mercury but that's just a warm up time to get serious!

Mercury:Bring it on!



Goku then punch's mercury in the face and leading into a kaioken assault finishing mercury with a slam into the ground

Goku:You give up mercury?

Mercury stands up weakened but still eyes full of determination to win

Mercury:No I won't give up now goku!

Mercury remembers what king kai told him about how to activate kaioken then try's to use it


Mercury then stops hoping that it will work


Mercury feels the pressure that kaioken is pushing out while goku has a surprise look on his face

Goku:He knows how to do kaioken as well? This should be fun!

Mercury finally gets a hold of kaioken then rushes into goku but goku blocks the first punch but mercury uses this to flip over goku and kicks goku in the back of the head then blasting goku back with a ki blast rush Mercury is already getting use to the kaioken technique which weakens the pressure he felt first time using it

Goku:I see that kaioken is having almost no effect on you,you're something else but I won't lose that easy

Both rush into a close combat clash,both trading blows evenly till both backed out and finished the clash with both fist hitting each other's face.Mercury slowly falls down but catches himself then screaming

Mercury:Kaioken times 3!!

Mercury uppercuts goku then vanishes above goku slamming goku into the ground mercury then vanishes once more with goku,Mercury kicks into the ground under goku resulting to goku being kicked in the air while mercury does a huge ki blast (somewhat like gohan did when he used the father son kamehameha)
Goku goes through multiple mountains finally gets caught by one

Mercury:*Out of breath* Ha....Ha... times 3 is a bit heavier then I thought...

Goku regens balance then uses instant transmission behind mercury and kicks mercury into a rock

Goku:Have to say mercury that was pretty good move but now let's call it a day

Mercury walks out of the rock Turing kaioken off

Mercury:Yea...I'm too tired to continue fighting heh...

Mercury then passes out from the exhaustion the kaioken brought upon his body

Goku:Guess the kaioken was too much for him but still he used it without proper training.But for his age that's still impressive well time to head back home

Goku then picks up mercury flying back home for him to rest

(If your confused from the different text goku had then it means it was talking in head like thinking to yourself so sorry if it confuses you lol)

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