Chapter 29: Mercury's pride

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Black:"So you said something about putting me down?"

No more then ten minutes of fighting Mercury was exhausted and on the ground while Emily was struggling to stand up.

Mercury:"Don't get...cocky"

Black:"Oh but what can you do to a god mortal?"

Mercury stood up but fell back to one knee.

Mercury:"I may be a mortal but.."

Mercury was successful in getting to his feet.

Mercury:"But being a mortal is enough for me to kick your ass!"

Mercury changes into white and attacks Black with a mighty punch into his stomach and a high kick to the back of the head sending black a few feet away before recovering.

Mercury:"Emily now!"

Black turned to see Emily had a kamehameha wave ready and fired at Black who took the blast but what Black didn't know was that Emily entered her own blast and punched Black out of the blast into Mercury's ultimate move.

Mercury:"I should thank Reaper and Goku for this move. 10x kamehameha!!"

Mercury shot the blast into Black's chest and was sent into the sky. Zamasu was charging after Mercury but Emily knocked him away and followed pursuit while Mercury dropped to the ground exhausted with barely any energy left in him to fight.

Mercury:"Damnit...Where are you guys?"

Emily was thrown where Mercury was, she became unconscious after landing.

Mercury:"I have to..keep fighting"

Mercury struggled to stand but failed every time while Zamasu walked towards him.

Zamasu:"Why do you mortals continue to fight a god? Why do you continue to stand? You should just let us gods rule over the world not you"

Mercury:"The reason why I fight is to protect humanity. I continue to stand to protect everyone and to hell with you gods"

Zamasu:"Hmph. I could kill you but where is the fun in that?"

Mercury:"Then what do you have in mind?"

Zamasu:"Just a little test"

Zamasu formed a ki blade in his hand and walked over to Mercury but only kicked him away from Emily.

Mercury:"Wait what are you planning?!"

Zamasu:"Like I said only a small test"

Zamasu stared at a unconscious Emily and grew with anger and raised his ki blade above her.

Mercury:"Don't do it Zamasu I won't forgive you for this!"

Zamasu:"I don't need forgiveness from a mortal"

Zamasu brought the Ki blade down and slashed someone but not his target as it was Mercury's chest.

Zamasu:"So you protect this girl for what? You care?"

Mercury:"I promised them..That I would rather die first before seeing them get killed"

Zamasu:"Such a foolish promise of you mortals but at least I can work with that"

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