Chapter 26: Xicor's killing intent

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Third person POV
Mercury:"And let the match begin!"

Xicor and Emily fired ki blast at each other and it caused a huge smokescreen to appear. Xicor stopped firing and waited for the next move, everything was quiet but there was a sudden shift in the smoke so Xicor fired in the general area of the movement but there was nothing that came to contact. Xicor waited again but nothing was happening and slowly let his guard down. The smokescreen was gone but still no sight of Emily, Xicor was getting frustrated at this and looked at Mercury who was just looking up so Xicor looked up and saw Emily with a barrage of ki blast in the sky.


Emily fired it at Xicor who put his hands up and fired his own ki blast to block out most of it which worked but Emily punched Xicor in his gut as he was open in the front and did a leg sweep, knocking Xicor to the ground

Emily:"Come on I thought you were Mercury's equal"

Xicor got up from the ground and went Super Saiyan while Emily just stood there laughing.

Xicor:"Shut the hell up!"

Xicor goes for a kick but miss and continues to try landing a hit.

Emily:"Yawn come on you making me sleepy here"

Xicor:"Then I'll make sure you take a long rested nap!"

Xicor goes for a leg sweep but Emily just jumps back, as she goes for the landing Xicor was ready with a ki blast that fired into her chest.

Xicor:"Now how about that? All talk until the end"

Xicor started to laugh but Emily gets up with not much of scratch.

Emily:"Man that hurt a bit. Ok Xicor let's get serious here"

Emily and Xicor go into Blue. Emily knew she could win this fight and this time she will put Xicor down while at Xicor's side he was showing that he was a bit tired but could keep going as there nothing but rage inside of him. Emily goes for the first hit but Xicor Just gets out of the way in time and kicks her into the sky and flys right after her but she already recovered and flew into Xicor and both of their fist clash. Xicor grabber Emily by her face and slammed her into a mountainside and fired a blast at her, destroying the mountain completely. Xicor was back on the field and walked back to Mercury until he was knocked into the air with a sudden uppercut with a appearing Emily standing there.

Emily:"And that's why you should have died instead of Mercury. Your worth nothing compare to him"

Xicor was enraged by it and attack Emily with nothing in his mind but kill. Emily was able to dodge the hits and kept taunting Xicor about the attack on Conton City But what Emily said won't be forgotten or forgiven...

Emily:"You saved the City But you didn't save Mercury just like how you couldn't save your own mother!"

Xicor stopped and stood there since this pierce his heart and mind. Emily stared at Xicor, waiting but nothing happen, Emily puts her hand out and prepares to fire a blast at Xicor to end the match.

Emily:"You can't save anyone can't you? Well time to end this"

Emily fired the blast at Xicor But was hit to the side by him.

Xicor:"You...Don't Get to talk mother and there nothing"

The atmosphere around Xicor were filled with a murderous intent and became unnerving for Emily as jumped back to gain distance as for Xicor, he was surrounded by the same aura he had when he fought Keita.

Mercury:"Oh no.."

Xicor's hair changed into the crimson red from the attack on Conton City and his aura was the color of blood soak red.

Xicor:"Since you are gonna pay the price"

Xicor was much faster then before as he closed the gap between him and Emily before she could even see him take a step. Xicor punched Emily in her gut and slammed her head into his knee, when her head bounce back up Xicor grabs her face and slammed it into the ground and threw her away.

Mercury:"Xicor stop!"

Xicor kept walking towards Emily while she was struggling to get up, once she did she was kicked back onto the ground.

Xicor:"What happen to that attitude?"

Xicor was standing over Emily with fear in her eyes when Xicor grew a sadistic smile. Mercury got between Xicor and Emily in super Saiyan White.

Mercury:"Xicor. Back off. The match is over"

Xicor:"No. she deserves to die"

Mercury:"Then your gonna have to kill me for that"

Xicor seems to be shocked for a second but closed his eyes and his hair return to normal.

Xicor:"I'm sorry Mercury. I didn't mean to lose it there"

Mercury:"I'm not the one you should say sorry to"

Mercury moves out the way so Xicor can see Emily who was bleeding from her head.

Xicor:"I'm sorry.."


Everything became quite once Mercury was treating Emily to her wounds while Xicor kept his distance from them.

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