Chapter 15

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Mercury: So you revived planet earth for champa?

Beerus: Yea so what?

Mercury: Aww you care for your brother-

Beerus slapped mercury back into the tree of where beerus sleeps

Mercury: Ow...did you just...back hand me?

Xicor: So he did but you ain't gonna do anything

Mercury: Not to him but...

Mercury tackles Xicor to the ground And rubs xicor's head with his fist

Mercury: Aw come on little bro fight back

Xicor: Ugh...Get off! I will use purple on you!

While mercury and xicor are having a brother fight, whis was talking to someone else

Whis: Huh? You mean mercury? Well I noticed as well but how are we gonna tell him?

?: I will have to tell him face to face then

Whis: Ah well guess you have to. Very well he is over there

?: Hello are you Mercury?

Mercury lets go of xicor and looked at the mysterious person

Mercury: Yea but who are you?

Trunks: Ah well I'm trunks from the future

Mercury: Future? Well that's cool but what are you doing here?

Trunks: I've come to pick you up and return you home

Mercury: Huh? Home? But I am home this world is where I live

Trunks: You don't remember? Your father sent you to this timeline after a "problem" occurred

Mercury: Father? Oh you mean goku right?

Trunks: Ah well I mean your Real father

Mercury: My real dad? But then...why am I here?

Trunks: It would be better if we discussed this back in our timeline

Mercury: So Wait I'm from the future, sent by my father after a situation occurred regarding me to be sent to this timeline?

Trunks: Yea but it's much more then that so please come with me back to the time nest

Mercury: Time nest? I have no idea what you are talking about but fine I'll go with you

Trunks: Alright and you too Xicor it's about time to finish your mission

Mercury: What? Mission? Xicor What is he talking about?

Xicor: We will brief you in after we get back to the time nest

Mercury: Fine Let's go then

Trunks,Mercury and xicor then disappeared leaving the time line mercury called home before and after a couple of seconds going through space it seems the three appeared in a building filled of scrolls

Mercury: Is this the time nest?

?: Yes it is, your mercury right?

?: Told you he would come soon

One of the voices was familiar while the other was someone else and mercury was surprised after seeing who it was

Mercury: Reaper? Your here as well?

Reaper: Yea, nice to see you again

Mercury: Likewise, but who are you?

Supreme kai of time: Well I'm the Supreme kai of time, the one who watches over history and protect it from anyone trying to change it

Mercury: Ah, must be a handful of a job
(SKT=Supreme kai of time for short)

SKT: Well we have time patrollers for that like trunks or reaper here

Xicor: Don't forget about me!

SKT: And Yes, Xicor as well

Mercury: So Wait Xicor is a time patroller? And you said you were on a mission, what was it?

Xicor: To make sure you didn't die or become evil

Mercury: 1.) Dick and 2.) Like I would

Trunks: Can't be to careful around here anymore since we have Towa and Mira to worry about

Mercury: What a double girl team?

Xicor and Reaper bust out laughing from Mercury's comment while trunks had a smirk on his face but SKT was annoyed

SKT: No Mira is a guy but point aside they want to ruin time for there own sinister plot

Mercury: Well where are they now? Me and xicor can handle them no problem

Trunks: Well it's not that simple mercury, we cannot just simply find them as they may or may not have a spot hidden within Time its self and besides we have no idea where to look

Mercury: Ah well...then what?

Xicor: For now it's time you knew everything so ask us any questions you have

Mercury: So How did reaper meet me in the universe tournament?

Trunks: He was sent to universe 6 to fight you, it was more of "his pride" then a mission

Reaper: Hey! Just wanted to know if the guy we were picking up was strong or not

SKT: And he kicked you around easily

Reaper: Tch shut up!

Mercury: Second question...Xicor was sent to watch me but was he planned to be my friend or what?

Trunks: We sent xicor to protect you everything else Xicor did was his own actions

Xicor: What? You doubting me bro?

Mercury: Well I thought if I was gonna have a bodyguard he would be stronger then me

Xicor: You mother-

Trunks: A-anyways...anymore questions?

Mercury: Yea...who or what happen to my father?

Everyone in the room was quiet and looked down avoiding eye contact from mercury

Trunks: Well...he died in action as for your mother...we don't know what happen to her as she disappeared during the attack here. Your father fought against Towa and her friends but it was not enough...we lost a lot of lives that day

Mercury:...Where is he buried? Or a shrine at least?

Trunks: Yea follow me.

Trunks and mercury left the time nest and went out to conton city, the place was great but in the middle was a holographic version of man who worn a Gi that had the colors of white for his undershirt and red as his outerwear, his pants was black while the shoes was red with white in some parts. He had a scar of is left cheek, nothing big but noticeable and worn a Red color bandanna on his head (Bardock basically)

Mercury: Is this him?

Xicor: of hundreds of warriors that fought against Towa and Mira and died during the war

Mercury: H-hundreds?

Trunks: Yes... 164 time patrollers died to be correct


Trunks: I'll leave you be, come back to the time nest once your done...catching up with your dad

Trunks walks away, heading back to the time nest while mercury stood there with his head down with tears coming down from his face, then finally looked up to the hologram of his father

Mercury: I'll avenge you dad...I'll avenge everyone that fell to there hands!

And with that mercury heads back to the time nest, with grief but also a new raging fire in his heart to fight against Towa and Mira

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