Chapter 81: Find your limits

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Mercury fired a Kamehameha wave on King Kai's planet and let it travel across the land until it appears behind him. Mercury turns around in time to block his own attack from hurting himself. Mercury holds back the Kamehameha wave with his hands until it exploded in his hands and covering the area in smoke.

King Kai:"Give it a rest already! You and Goku are gonna destroy my planet at this rate!"

King Kai was behind sandbags, yelling at Mercury who was dusting himself off as the smoke clears.

Mercury:"Sorry King Kai but I gotta be ready for when Whis comes"

King Kai:"Fine...But don't fire anymore blast on my planet!"


Mercury gives a thumbs up to King Kai who was relieved that he wouldn't have to remake a planet soon. Mercury takes his fighting stance and stood still for a couple seconds until he called out for King Kai.

Mercury:"King Kai!"

King Kai:"What is it?"

Mercury:"Could you add some weights for me?"

King Kai:"Sure but how much?"

Mercury:"Make them...4 tons each piece"

King Kai:"Alright, get ready"

Mercury nods his head and King Kai summoned weights on Mercury's wrist and ankles that each one weighed 4 tons.

King Kai:"Now be careful!"

Mercury:"I know, since impact on your planet, everything is ten times heavier"

King Kai:"Correct. So instead of it being 16 tons, on my planet it would now be 160 tons"


King Kai:"Just train already"

Mercury begins punching and kicking at the air while King Kai watches Mercury train.

Time skip of 30 minutes later.

Mercury was starting to slow down to pace himself but King Kai told him to suddenly stop.

King Kai:"Mercury! Why not try some more weights?"

Mercury:"What did you have in mind?"

King Kai:"Let's try 10 tons a piece!"

Mercury:"10 tons? I don't think I'll be able to move"

King Kai:"Just use Kaioken"

Mercury:"Kaio-Oh, I get it now"

King Kai:"You ready Mercury?"

Mercury:"Let's do it!"

The weights become heavier and Mercury is trying to hold them up.

Mercury:"So tons!"

Mercury starts to slowly sink into the ground until the red aura grows around him.

Mercury:"Kaioken...Times 3!"

Mercury was now able to move around but still wasn't to do much.

King Kai:"You have to go higher than that to train Mercury!"

Mercury:"Kaioken Times 10!"

Mercury starts punching and kicking like the weights aren't even weighed anything.

King Kai:"That's probably too much..."

Mercury:"Then make them heavier"

King Kai:"I don't know Mercury..."

Mercury:"I'm able to do 160 tons in base why not so 800?"

King Kai:"8-800?!"


King Kai:"You would have to use Times 20! And that's a very huge strain"

Mercury:"I know it is but I have to get stronger fast"

King Kai:"Fine...But don't blame me if you get hurt"

The weights become even bigger and Mercury falls start into the ground.

King Kai:"M-Mercury!"

Mercury:"Times 20!"

Mercury was able to hold the weights but the strain made it difficult.

King Kai:"This was a bad idea Mercury. Let's stop"


King Kai:"..."

Mercury:"I have to get stronger to fight this angels so I need to push myself! Even if the odds are against me!"

Mercury starts punching, one punch every 3 seconds after the other.

King Kai:"Ok...just don't cry at me when something is broken"

Mercury:"Heh. No promises..."
At Capsule Corps. Gravity Chamber.

Vegeta:"Come on Xicor! You can do much more than this!"

Xicor:"But this is...600x earth's gravity! I can barely do that alone"

Vegeta:"Doesn't matter. You're a Saiyan for crying out loud! You must push yourself past your limits!"

Vegeta punch Xicor and made him fall to the ground.

Vegeta:"How will you be able to help Mercury if you're this weak? You might as well head back home"

Xicor:"S-Shut up!"


Xicor tried to stand but stays on one knee.

Xicor:"I can't leave everything to Mercury again...I have to help him"

Vegeta:"So What will you do about it?"

Xicor:"...I have to surpass him!"

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