Chapter 28- Save the future!

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Mercury:"Why does this guy look familiar.."

Xicor:"Now's not the time Mercury. We have to stop this guy"

Black:"Don't be foolish mortal! I'm a divine being!"

Mercury:"I have a future feeling that you will be saying 'mortal' a lot"

Black:"Silence mortal!"


Black stood across from Goku and it was like looking at a reflection well besides the black clothes.

Black:"This body..has long desired to fight you son Goku. It's time I made your body my own"

Vegeta:"Not before I destroy you fake!"

Vegeta rushes into blue and destroys the hell out of black with a rain of punches but Vegeta jumped back for some reason. Black stood up from the crater that was made cause of Vegeta and grew a cocky smile.

Black:"Thanks to you Vegeta I have grown much stronger"

Black raised his ki and a pink light came off him and into the sky, the energy was tremendous the power it was giving seems similar to blue but what was different was the form it's self

Black:"I have finally made this body my own. Now if I were to name this like you mortals do then I would call this Super Saiyan Rose Goku black"

Vegeta:"Oh shut the hell up black!"

Vegeta brings a punch into black's gut and lands it but was stabbed by a ki looking blade from black.

Black:"Now Vegeta if you ain't Goku then your better of dead"

Black pulled out the ki blade and let Vegeta fall to the ground.

Mercury:"Well what do you know? Different time line, same results huh Vegeta?"

Vegeta:"Fuck you"

Vegeta coughs up blood after that and now Black set his eyes at Mercury.

Black:"Ah Mercury it's good to see you again for the 58th time"

Mercury:"Sorry 58th?"

Black:"Different time lines, same results of you beating me, got sick and tired now we are here but this time I will win"

Mercury:"Well if you bother to pay attention to your attempts then you know your in a constant time loop"

Black:"Maybe so but with this new power I'll make sure I win"

Mercury turns blue and charges his ki making everyone around him get back.

Black:"I see you have this much power. Come on fight me so I can grow stronger!"

Mercury:"Be careful for what you wish for"

Mercury vanishes and appears behind black, kicking him into a nearby building.

Mercury:"So what's the plan here?"

Goku:"I'll take Vegeta to the time machine and-"

?:"I see son Goku and Mercury is here"

Emily/Xicor:"I see that we are irrelevant"

Just then a figure came down the sky, Goku was surprised of who it was while Mercury was fighting Black again once he appeared out of the destroyed building.

Zamasu:"I am Zamasu! I will bring beauty back to this world that you mortals have destroyed!"

Mercury out from the distance shouted.

Mercury:"NOW HIM?!"

Zamasu:"Now son Goku I won't let you leave here alive"

Goku:"Fine by me"

Goku turns blue and fights Zamasu while Xicor and Emily carry Vegeta back to the time machine. Mercury was knocking Black around at first but black was improving during the fight and now was able to keep up with Mercury. Black was overpowering Mercury and shot Mercury down into the ground next to Goku and Trunks who were then grabbed from behind from Zamasu while Black charged a kamehameha.


Goku:"He knows that move?!"


Goku and Trunks tried to break free but Zamasu wouldn't let go while Black is finished with his blast.

Black:"I told you Goku, you won't make this out alive! Haa!"

Black fired the blast and it was headed down to Goku,Trunks and Zamasu.

Goku:"Wait what about you?!"

Zamasu:"This is nothing compared to a immortal body"


The blast hits and makes a huge explosion but Zamasu was thrown away from the smoke.


The smoke was clearing up and revealed Xicor was the one who had taken the blast instead.

Xicor:"Tch. Don't forget about us others!"

Then Emily in blue punched black from the side of his chest into another building, after that Xicor checked on Mercury who had some injures on him.

Mercury:"I'm fine don't worry about me but we need to take Vegeta back now"

Mercury stands back up and everyone flys out to the machines but one was already destroyed.

Xicor:"Damn black is here"

Black:"Right you are mortal! Now fest on your eyes on a god!"

Mercury:"I'll hold him back while you guys take Vegeta back"

Goku:"Mercury your serious?"

Xicor:"No way you can beat him yourself"

Mercury:"Who said I was gonna beat him? I'm just distracting him until you come back with Vegeta in full condition"

Emily:"But this is suicide!"

Mercury:"Not the first time I've done that but I'll be fine don't worry you guys"

Mercury who was weakened from earlier walked out front of the group and turned back into blue.

Mercury:"Besides I would rather die before seeing one of you guys get killed or hurt so please take Vegeta and go! Now!"

Mercury turns back to Black who was laughing at Mercury's wishes.

Black:"You mortals are foolish it's way too funny"

Mercury:"Now its time to shut this false god up"

Mercury rushes Black and threw into the sky and fired a one handed blast.

Mercury:"Everyone go now!"

Mercury was kicked away and saw Zamasu with Black and had a ki blast ready to fire.

Mercury:"Ah shit.."

?:Roaring Canon!

The random blast was fired from behind Mercury and shot the ki blast from Black and Zamasu away.

Black:"Who the hell?!"

Mercury turns back to see Emily was the one who fired the blast.

Emily:"Sorry but I'm not letting you have all the fun Mercury"

Mercury:"Damnit fine Emily but you better take this seriously"

Mercury charged his aura and Emily did while the time machine disappeared.

Mercury:"Now then Black! I will be the one to put you down!"

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