Chapter 17

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After recovering in the time nest, Mercury and Xicor are talking about the new mission Mercury received but Xicor can tell something is wrong about it

Xicor: Look Mercury I just don't feel like this mission will go out right

Mercury: What? Come on dude we can handle it well and besides if push comes to shove I'll use White

Xicor: Dude I get the the form has tremendous power but you can't relay on it like it will save you all the time you still have to remember the our quote

Mercury: "Never underestimate your strength, But never overestimate your weakness" I know it don't worry Xicor but let me do this mission ok?

Xicor: Ugh Fine! Just go already

Mercury left to see trunks to accept the new mission while Xicor couldn't shake the bad feeling about it


Mercury was getting into his combat uniform which was a dark blue undershirt and black outer shirt, black plants and black shoes with the extra red on some parts. Trunks came in to tell Mercury that the mission was ready to go and with that Mercury grabs the scroll then vanished.

After reappearing Mercury looked around but nothing was causing time to change as it was time where goku fought beerus but even the fight was playing out like in the original timeline

Mercury: Huh? So what's wrong then?

As Mercury was thinking to himself he got blown back from the same masked female saiyan

Mercury: Oh it's you again, can I have your name at least?

Female saiyan:....

Mercury: You know the silent treatment is getting pretty boring

Mercury got into his fighting stance and waited for the saiyan to make her first move until Mercury notice another energy nearby

Mercury: I see you got back up we'll come on then let's start fighting!

Female saiyan:....Ok...

With that Mercury and the saiyan disappears and would reappear for a split second, each clash that connected would make the ground shake around the two and then Mercury and the saiyan locked hands and started at each other

Mercury: Hope you wouldn't mind me asking but maybe take off the mask? Kinda want to know who I'm gonna be beating

Female saiyan:....

Mercury: Ugh Fine don't I didn't care or anything

The two saiyans jumped back, gaining distance then without noticing Mercury was punched in the face from...Mira?!

Mercury was sent back into rocks then finally stopping next to a body of water but Mira and the saiyan weren't far behind

Mercury: Ugh so your to tell me how even though I destroyed your body

Mira: You think I was person like everyone else? My master created me so truly I can never die

Mercury: Note to self: Kill Towa when I see her

Mira: So Let's get back to where we last left off

Mira then transformed into his ultimate form but his energy was much stronger then last time

Mercury: So you got stronger huh? Guess I shouldn't hold back too much

Mercury unleashed his energy leaving his hair to stand up with the color blue then blue aura ignited around him

Mercury: Let's start then

Mira and Mercury stared at each other then finally Mira was first to move and punched Mercury's face but Mercury also counterattacks, punching Mira's face as well and with that the two warriors begin to throw and block punches from each side. The clash from the two was shaking the ground, rocks started to float up and lighting was striking around the area then it all ended with the two punching each other's fist as that caused a massive explosion to go off. Mercury and Mira appears on the ground again, Mira goes for a low kick but only for Mercury to avoid it and kick Mira on the left side of his face which send Mira back a couple feet but what surprised Mercury was that it barely faze Mira

Ultimate Mira: Was that supposed to hurt me? Or tickle me?

Mercury: Funny joke but I'm just getting started!

Mercury begin to charge up his energy and slowly the blue turned into white

Ultimate Mira: Now go!

Mercury stopped charging and saw the female saiyan rushing behind him but was too late as she grabbed him

Mercury: The hell are you doing?!

Mercury tried to shake her off but she wasn't planning on letting go soon after Mercury gives up on that plan he looks forward only for Mira to punch his face then repeatedly in his stomach then after what seems forever Mira got out the way and saw goku?

Mercury: Oh thank god...goku kinda need a bit of help here

Goku didn't respond but only laugh in a dark voice

Goku: Oh I'm not goku fool well on the outside I am but inside...well let's say there is new management so just call me...Goku Black

Mercury: What? Wait what happen to goku then?

Goku Black: None of your concern as it's time to end you for good!

Goku Black begin to charge the kamehameha wave but in a black color instead of blue

Goku Black: Time to send you straight to hell!

Mercury was trying his best free himself from the female saiyan but nothing worked she seemed to withstand anything Mercury did and with that Goku Black fired the blast at Mercury and right before it hit the female saiyan got out the way of the attack. After the blast ended Mercury stood there like stone then finally fell to the ground on his back

Goku Black: Hope I didn't kill him. Be bad for business

Ultimate Mira: No he is still alive...perfect

Mira asked the female saiyan for something and she pulled it out then threw it to Mira. Mira walked towards Mercury's body and put the thing in his face and after that Mercury got up fine but now there was a mask covering his face. Mira went back into his normal form and told one thing to Mercury before leaving

Mira: You now work for us, come we have work for you to do

Then all four left the area while Xicor waits for Mercury to return...not knowing the situation that Mercury was now placed...

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