Chapter 63: The new Age

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After the Tournament of Power ended, Mercury has been training himself for months now, after all he didn't take the offer for being the God of Destruction...Anyways, Mercury has been training to defeat Damien and Xicor as Conton City has fallen under their ruling. Mercury has attempted many of times against them before but failed every time. There was one specific time where it cost Mercury to lose everything...And Everyone...

Mercury was sneaking around Conton City to find a weakness of some sort, as Mercury was searching around he found broken training equipment, supplies but bodies of his fallen Time Patrollers who fell to Damien's hands.

Mercury made it to the Time Nest and heard voices from inside and recognized who they were.

Damien:"Just where is that Mercury boy?"

Xicor:"Still in hiding"

Damien:"That kid has a lot of hiding spots but he shouldn't have much left"

Towa:"And what happens when we find Mercury?"

Damien:"Once we find him we'll...Well why don't you come out Mercury so we can actually see?"

Mercury was shocked but before he can run, Someone already had grabbed Mercury and threw him to the front of the group.

Mercury:"Easy there buddy"

The person who grabbed Mercury was Mira.

Damien:"So Mercury! Care to show what these wonderful people what I have planned for you?"

Mercury:"Well you see, I was just leaving so if you don't mind me"

Mercury was walking backwards as he said but was stopped by Mira.

Mercury:"Look, I know I blew you up during my kamikaze mood but that was just for fun. No hard feelings right?"

A couple of seconds later Mercury went through the wall, landing in the streets of Conton City.

Mercury:"I said I was sorry!"

Everyone exit the Time Nest and watches Mercury as he stood up.

Mercury:"Now then, let's get to business"

Damien:"Hold it!"


Damien:"I'm sure you're ready to fight us like Mira or Xicor but, I have something interesting for you"

Mercury:"Really?? I like surprises!"

Damien snapped his fingers and a portal appeared next to Damien, Three figures came out.

Damien:"I like you to meet...Janemba"


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Damien:"And our masked fellow"

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Damien:"And our masked fellow"

Mercury:"Masked fellow? He got a name?"

Damien:"That would ruin all the fun if we tell you who he is"

Mercury:"Janemba...Broly...Masked Boy"

Damien:"How do you like your executioners?"

Mercury:"Executioners? You mean audience for when I finally end you Damien?"

Damien:"Funny. But, You must defeat these three then Xicor and Mira before even getting close to me"

Mercury:"Fine, I always did like a challenge"

5 minuets later...

Mercury was blasted through a wall by Broly.

Mercury:"I hate this challenge..."

Mercury got up and dusted himself before randomly getting punched in the face by a sudden portal. Mercury looked around but was getting hit in every direction.

Mercury:"Janemba! Stop being a bitch and fight!"

Janemba appears through his portal and laughs at Mercury.

Mercury:"Guess Gogeta was right about you being a idiotic child"

Janemba attacks Mercury and both begin to clash.
Xicor:"Everything is going to plan"

Damien:"Good, make sure that this is the last time we ever see Mercury....Alive"

Xicor:"Yes sir"

Xicor heads over to where Mercury is at.


Mercury stops his fight with Janemba to look over at Xicor. As Mercury does so, Xicor begins fighting Mercury and knocks him away easily.

Mercury:"Mind telling me how you got this strong?"

Xicor:"Even if I told're already dead"

Mercury felt his chest was pierced and saw Xicor had stabbed him with a Ki blade.


Mercury coughs out blood as Xicor pulls his Ki blade back. Mercury walks back until he realized that he was on the edge of Conton City.

Mercury:"What you?"

Xicor:"I wanna know what happen to you? You became weak, stupid and worst of all, ignorant"

Mercury:"Funny...that's coming from the guy for Damien"

Xicor:"Goodbye Mercury, Send my regards to everyone"

Xicor fires a blast at Mercury, sending him over the edge and falling out of Conton City.

Mercury weakly pulls out what seems to be a button.

Mercury:"Let's see if Whis actually made this work"

Mercury presses the button and is sent somewhere through space...
Xicor:"Mercury is Dead"

Damien:"Finally, We can rule Earth and soon the whole universe it's self! But, for now let's make a army"

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