Chapter 13

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After a game of Rock Paper Scissors the placement of the fighters has been chosen and now the tournament for both the super dragon balls and planet earth's fate shall begin between universe 6 vs universe 7!!

Announcer: For the first match we have Botamo from universe 6 fighting.... Goku from universe 7!

Krillan: Sending out goku already? Man this won't last long then

Goku and botamo now stand in the arena waiting for the match to start...DING...the match has started with goku throwing punches into botamo's stomach but it has no effect

Mercury: Hit him harder!!

Beerus: Yea! What he said!

Xicor: You two are idiots...

Goku ran and dodge every ki blast shot from botamo, Seems like goku is thinking of something since vegeta used his head and....wait he actually used his head...ok then

Mercury: Well he did say use his head...wait hold on look!

Goku had botamo on the ground and dragged him by his feet, once at the edge goku let go of botamo. Having anger built up in botamo he threw a fist at goku but was caught then thrown off, making him disqualified

Announcer: And the first match win goes to goku of universe 7!!!

Goku: Whew That was a good workout now then who is next?

Announcer: Getting to the second match will be Goku vs Frost of universe 6!!

Frost had stepped down from the universe 6 table to the arena and just his appearance has everyone on edge...especially mercury

Mercury: Kill the bastard!!

Xicor: Whoa calm down mercury we can't kill remember?

Mercury: He can be the exception!

Vegeta: Xicor is right you need to calm down or you will be disqualified for being angry

Mercury: Says the one who is always in a bad mood...

Beerus: Would you three like to shut up?! We have a match to win now then let's get this started-

Frost: Wait! Before we do get this match going I'll like to say a few things...

Goku: Oh well sure go ahead

Frost: Thank you Goku please let's make this a good match without holding back and I'll like to dedicate this match to everyone back home who fought evil with me and when I return with the prize i'll spend it on the people who need it

Goku: Whoa this is a totally different frieza

Mercury: I don't buy his act

Xicor: Dude come on just cause he looks similar to our frieza doesn't mean he will be the same

Everyone clapped at Frost's speech and promise...besides mercury

Announcer: Alright now the match begins...DING...Now!!!

Goku and frost begin to close the gap between them but frost grabbed goku with his legs and spun around before smashing goku head first into the ground

Goku: Ow...what can of move was that?

Frost: Sorry but we are different in weight class as you can see. With someone as you fighting me well I won't last long would I?

Goku: Will maybe if you transformed into your final form then we can fight serious!

Frost: Hm? How do you I can transform?

Goku: Well we have someone like you back in our universe

Frost: Ah I see and was he able to beat you?

Goku: Hehe...You wouldn't like to know that answer

Frost: Hehe guess not well I hope to not have the same fate as him

Goku: Hope not now then transform to your final form!!

A purple light was given off around frost, almost blinding but the form frost had was...his third form?

Vegeta: Does he take us for fools?

Xicor: Maybe he hasn't unlock his final form or holding back?

Mercury: Either way we have a lawsuit on our hands soon

Xicor: No kidding

Goku and frost begin to continue where they left off and it was even but frost had slowly begin to win as more and more hits are landing into goku and finished off with frost sending beams towards goku and a smokescreen was made

Frost: Oh? Did I over do it?

Goku stood up clearing the dust off him, unharmed

Goku: Well enough playing around let's get serious! Go to your final form!

Frost: What?

Vegeta: We're not fools we know you are hiding one more form

Goku: Yea! You're just saving it until later in the tournament

Frost: I was not "saving" or "holding back" as you say. When I use my final form I had killed someone accidentally before so I had never used the form since then but goku...I believe you can handle the form

Frost had transformed once more this time a bigger aura surrounded him. Now finally his final form was shown to everyone

Goku: Fianlly well let's get serious! Hmph!

Goku has turned super saiyan shocking everyone on the universe 6 team

Goku: Ok frost come at me!

Frost then flew down to goku with a harsh punch but was caught by only one hand from goku

Frost: Wha-what?

Goku pulled frost in and punched frost straight in the face. Making frost fly across the arena

Goku: Call it out, you seem like a nice guy so I don't wanna hurt you anymore then I have to

Frost: N-no o haven't given up yet!

Frost threw a punch at goku but goku easily slide the punch away and kicked frost out the arena

Announcer: And frost has been eliminated from the match so the winner is-

Before the announcer could continue goku started swinging back and forth and fell to the ground. Everyone was shocked at the turn of events while the announcer checked on goku

Xicor: What the hell happen?!

Mercury: Get that bastard! Frost did this!

Announcer: Goku seems to be unconscious this means it's a double elimination!

Mercury: Bullshit!

Xicor: Calm down there is still three of us so don't get worked up yet

Vegeta: Still mercury does have a point something isn't right but for now we have to continue on with the matches

Announcer: Now for the next fighters we have Vegeta from universe 7 and magetta from universe 6! Come to arena!

Vegeta jumps down to the arena while magetta made the whole arena flip up when he landed

Xicor: This should be interesting...

Mercury: Let's see how the prince holds up on his own

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