Chapter 64: A surprising warrior

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In Universe 6, Planet Sadla.

The three Saiyans are training in a wasteland.

Cabba:"I will show you what my master has taught me!"

Caulifla:"Heh. Come on then!"

Caulifla And Cabba were sparring while Kale was watching and taking notes to improve her fighting style. As she watched, she noticed someone falling from above the fight.

Kale:"Guys! Catch him!"

Caulifla And Cabba look up to see this person falling.

Caulifla:"I'll get him!"

Caulifla jumps up and catches the person, once landing on the ground she notices that it was Mercury.

Caulifla:"Mercury! Guys come help!"

As she called out for Cabba and Kale, she saw that Mercury was barely alive and also saw he was covering his chest.

Mercury:"P-pocket...g-get the b-bean.."

Cabba checks Mercury's pockets and grabs a Senzu bean.


Mercury slightly nods his head and opens his mouth as Cabba feeds his the bean. Shortly after, Mercury gets back up at full strength.

Mercury:"Thanks! You guys were at the right place and right time!"

Cabba:"Good to see you Mercury!"

Mercury:"It's been forever since we last seen each other"


Mercury and Cabba look at Caulifla with confused looks.

Caulifla:"You're not gonna tell us what happen?! I'm sure you were dying in my arms a second ago!"


Mercury crosses his arms and gives everyone a serious look.

Mercury:"Universe gone"


Cabba:"But Wait...what happen to-"

Mercury:"Everyone is dead...Sorry Cabba"

Cabba:"Didn't you guys say you have dragon balls?"

Mercury:"We did but since Dende died...they turned to stone, useless now."


Mercury's energy was raising as he grew more angry.

Mercury:"Damnit! Everyone died...I couldn't do anything...I couldn't keep my promise to everyone..."

Mercury dropped to his knees and punched the ground.

Mercury:"I would rather die than see my friends be hurt or killed....Was I really that stupid..."


Mercury looks up to see Caulifla standing in front of him.

Caulifla:"You still have us remember? Don't give up and stop beating yourself up, don't you have Xicor to help you?"



Mercury:"Xicor...killed everyone"

Caulifla:"You're serious?"

Mercury:"All in cold blood..."

Everyone was shocked to hear that and gave Mercury a sad look.

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