Chapter 40: Mercury vs Alice! Mercury's limit being broken!

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Announcer:"We have Mercury and Alice fighting today! Whoever wins here moves on to the finals to fight Xicor and to win the grand prize!"

Mercury:"Grand prize? Never knew there was a prize for winning"

Alice:"Wait your serious?"

Mercury:"Yea what is the prize?"

Alice:"A wish from the dragon balls and such other stuff but mainly the dragon balls is the prize"

Mercury:"Ah well I don't really have a wish but I'll think of one during this match"

Alice:"You think your gonna win? I'm not going down without a fight"

Mercury:"Good then show me why your the strongest in you're group"

Announcer:"Are both fighters ready?"


Announcer:"Then let the match begin!"

Alice was faster then Mercury expected as Alice was able to punch Mercury. Mercury gained his footing and returned with a punch to Alice as well, Mercury landed three more punches before sending her into the air, once in the air Alice was able to recover herself and block Mercury's next attack. Alice and Mercury were kicking,blocking,punching and dodging as if their lives were on the line for this match.

Xicor:"So who you think is gonna win this match?"

Nancy:"Well Alice of course, no one has beaten her before"

Reaper:"Doesn't mean Mercury won't beat her"

Jade:"Alice can do it she has to win for the dragon balls"

Emily:"For what? What is she gonna wish for?"

Jess:"None of your concern"

Xicor:"Must be really important if she is fighting this hard"

Mercury was taken down to the ground but recovered out of the crash, sliding until reaching the very edge of the arena. Once there Alice appeared and threw a punch but Mercury responded with a punch as well causing the two to clash of who can overcome the other. The crowd is split of who will win this clash while Mercury and Alice's groups are cheering for their respective leader.

Alice:"I'm gonna win, I need those dragon balls!"

Mercury:"Even if you need them I'm not losing this fight!"

Mercury and Alice transformed into Blue and further pushed their power. Almost reaching to the limits Alice made a uppercut to Mercury, everyone was shocked as Mercury was falling back to the out of bounds, Alice grew a smile as she watched Mercury falling but Mercury stopped in the air with a red aura glowing off of him, Mercury brought up his fists and slammed them back down to his sides and actives Kaioken.

Mercury:"I told you before! I'm not losing this fight! Kaioken!"

Mercury kicked Alice away before landing back on the stage.

Xicor:"That's Mercury for you, always able to break through the hardest walls of his limits"

Emily:"Wait you mean-"

Nancy:"He's getting stronger as he fights right now?!"

Xicor:"Yep as we speak he is getting stronger"

Mercury:"Now I'm gonna push myself even farther then before!"

Mercury begins charging and causing everything to shake, everyone was amazed in his power increasing even higher then before. Xicor and the two groups were stunned as the Kaioken aura was getting more fierce and bigger.

Emily:"What is he doing?!"

Xicor:"He's gonna use Kaioken to break that limit!"

Alice was having a hard time staying in the arena with the power being thrown around. Mercury's blue aura was engulfed in the red aura of Kaioken as it kept getting bigger.

Alice:"Times 10? Times 20? No..he's going even higher then that!"

Mercury:"Kaioken times 50!!"

The explosion in power destroyed Mercury's side of the arena and continued to slowly break the buildings around.

Mercury:"This is my power after breaking the limit in Blue! Now then let's finish this feud between who is stronger!"

Mercury disappeared but reappeared behind Alice and fired a blast at point blank range. Alice was shot up to the air but still managed to survive it.

Mercury:"I'll put everything I have into this blast!"

Mercury took his hands back and prepared the kamehameha wave. Alice started to form ki barriers around herself for the incoming blast.


The barriers were barely strong enough to hold but started to crack. Mercury was running out of energy but had enough for one more attack so Mercury entered his own blast and flew towards Alice with his fist back.

Mercury:"There you are Alice! Dragon fist!

Mercury brought his fist forward with a huge golden dragon coming off out of Mercury. The dragon surrounded the arena and roared before crashing down onto Alice, with the dragon destroying the barriers entirely and the kamehameha wave still going off it caused a massive explosion in the arena making smoke everywhere, everyone was blown back with all of the sudden explosion.

Announcer:"I don't believe here everyone we may have witnessed history be made here folks! But where are the fighters?"

The smoke was starting to clear up as everyone watched dreadfully on who was still standing or in this case alive. As the smoke clears there is one figured still standing.

Announcer:"Who is the one standing there? Is that..."

As the smoke cleared the person stood proudly with one fist in the air but had torn clothes and reverted back to base.

Announcer:"The one left standing is Mercury!"

Alice was on the ground near Xicor and the others, knocked out.

Mercury took his fist back down and fell back, passed out from all the energy being used up.

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