Chapter 79: What's next?

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Everything was dark and quiet, Mercury was frozen in place until he saw a small light in this void he was stuck in. As the light became brighter, monitors were soon heard and voices that seemed familiar to him was heard as well.

Alice:"Don't worry Eleso. Mercury will be fine"

Eleso:"I know...but that was super strong against dad and uncle! I'm worried still"

Alice:"Like I said Eleso, Mercury and Xicor have been through worse together. They will always get up stronger and even more determined to win"

Eleso:"That's so cool...I wanna be like dad and uncle when I grow up!"


Mercury slowly got up from the medical bed while Alice got up from her seat.

Alice:"Mercury! You need to lay down still"

Mercury:" I?"

Eleso:"You're in this place...umm...what was it called auntie?"

Alice:"It's the hospital Eleso and Mercury"

Eleso:"Oh yeah. You're in the hospital dad"


Alice:"So what happened? Why did you pass out on us like that?"

Mercury:"I don't know...I was carrying-Wait, Where's Xicor?"

Alice:"He's fine, he woke up before you and is fully recovered"

Mercury:"That's good...Anyways, I was carrying Xicor then suddenly I felt my strength fad away from my body"

Alice:"Maybe you pushed yourself too far?"

Mercury:"No...I still had enough to walk to the hospital. Maybe it has to do something with Ultra Instinct"

Alice:"Ultra Instinct? Isn't that a technique from gods?"

Mercury:"Yeah, So far only me and Goku have used this to my knowledge. Anyways, maybe it had an affect to us non-gods"


Eleso:"What is Ultra Instinct?!"

Mercury:"Oh, It's a technique from gods as we said before"

Eleso:"I know that! But what is it?"

Mercury:" do I explain it?'s this feeling that is I guess? It's really hard to explain it"

Eleso:"Hmm...then what does it do?"

Mercury:"Now that's easy to explain. Ok so Ultra Instinct from what I've used is much faster and stronger than Super Saiyan White"

Eleso:"It's stronger than White?"

Mercury:"Yeah But there is something else to it"

Eleso:"What is it?"

Mercury:"It's like the feeling in your head, like-"

Alice:"A sixth sense?"

Mercury:"Exactly like that! I become super aware of everything around me"


Mercury:"Image there is a...bubble around me ok?"


Mercury:"With Ultra Instinct, anything that enters the bubble, I will know and be able to dodge it"

Eleso:"Ok! I get it now"

Alice:"But there has to be withdrawns, right?"

Mercury:"Of course, Goku told me that each time he used it, it was super draining on his body"

Alice:"Maybe that's what happened to you?"

Mercury:"No doubt about it. I did use it before back when Damien was ruling over"

Alice:"You did?"

Mercury:"Yeah, Goku was there when I first used it. After I dropped out of it, I was super tired and could barely stand"

Alice:"I guess using Ultra Instinct and then going into Super Saiyan White was much more than what your body had"

Mercury:"Yeah, But now we have something serious going on"

Alice:"These angels are actually doing something as bad as this?"

Mercury:"I don't believe it. Maybe Whis and Vados have there own motives as well"

Alice:"Let's hope not"

Mercury:"I could try and talk with Zeno"


Mercury:"He's the god of everything"

Eleso:"Everything? As in every single thing?"


Eleso:"So cool..."

Alice:"Maybe you should go talk with him. He could help with this angel business"

Mercury:"Of course! After all, he loves me and Goku so of course he will do something about this"

Alice:"Ok then. Once you rest up, your heading out to Zeno's place"

Mercury:"Sounds like a plan!"

Mercury throws his fist in the air but is met with pain to his body.

Mercury:"Ow Ow Ow...Yeah, I'm definitely gonna need that rest"


Mercury:"Yes Eleso?"

Eleso:"Didn't you promise that we would train today?"

Mercury:"I wish I could Eleso but you seen what condition I'm in right?"

Eleso:"I know..."

Alice:"I can train you for now Eleso"


Alice:"Sure. After all, I owe your father everything as he has saved the universe more than enough times"

Mercury:"Thanks Alice"

Alice:"Let's go Eleso!"

Eleso:"Ok! Bye dad!"


Alice and Eleso walk out the room and Mercury resting his head on the pillow.

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