Chapter 88:...That you can't keep

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Xicor:"It's not ready not!"

Mercury:"Then make the damn device work!"

Mercury was walking from one side of the room to the other side, going back and forth while yelling at Xicor to activate the device.

Xicor:"It's almost finished but not yet"

Norbi:"So, what's going on?"

Xicor:"An angel is at Mercury's house-"

Norbi:"That's it?"

Xicor:"You didn't let me finish. An angel is at Mercury's house where his wife and son is currently"

Norbi:"Oooooh sh-"

Liquir:"No cursing Norbi, and what's going on?"

Mercury:"My family is in danger!"

Liquir:"This is an horrible predicament. You have a plan?"

Xicor:"This device that a friend gave me is our only key remember?"

Liquir:"Oh yes, is it ready?"

Xicor:"No, well yes but no"

Liquir:"Huh? Care to explain?"

Xicor:"We are able to return home back with this amount of charge ready, it's not a safe travel back"

Xicor lifts the device in his hand and points to a meter where it's barely above 75% charged.

Liquir:"So you're able to leave but yet, it isn't safe?"

Xicor:"That's one option"

Liquir:"The other?"

Mercury:"One of us stays behind while the other one goes..."

Xicor:"It we take that option, the one leaving will have a guaranteed safe travel back"

Norbi:"Oh, the irony"

Liquir:"Indeed. Leave one person behind to save more or leave nobody behind but risk for a possibility of reaching the end goal. What shall you do?"

Mercury:"I'm going in. Alone"

Xicor:"Really? We can barely fight an angel together! You won't make it out by yourself"

Mercury:"It's either that or let the death of my wife and son be on my shoulders while knowing I could have done something to save them!"



Xicor:"Go...Save them then"

Xicor hands the device to Mercury.

Mercury:"Thank you Xicor. Norbi!"


Mercury:"You and Liquir will train Xicor"

Norbi:"Huh? What for?"

Liquir:"We will be honored"


Mercury flips the switch on the device.

Mercury:"I'll come get you later Xicor. Don't worry"

Mercury flips the switch again, teleporting him to universe 6, in front of his home.

Mercury:"Caulifla?! Eleso?! Where are you?"

A voice had begun speaking to Mercury, mentally.

?:"You must be Mercury"

Mercury:"Yeah, and where are you?"

?:"You will know in due time. For now, you asked where your love ones are, correct?"


?:"They will be held in a disclosed location for now. In the meanwhile, I see your getting a bit agitated"

Mercury:"I wonder the fuck why you bastard!"

?:"Yes, I do wonder. Anyways, I have more important things to do so I'll leave you alone with Campari"

The voice had stopped talking, leaving Mercury distraught while an angel appears in the sky.

Campari:"Ah, Mercury! I remember you from the tournament. I must say you were an intriguing person"


Campari:"You seem helpless. It's almost sad, almost anyways. I must follow orders so its sad to see you go"

Campari lands on the ground and points his staff at Mercury.

Campari:"Orders are orders. I wish I had my say in this but...I don't"

Campari fires a ki blast at Mercury who takes the hit head on.

Campari:"Shame...didn't even fought back like Sour had said"

Mercury:"You wanted a fight...?"

Mercury is standing alone in the smoke with his head hanging low.

Campari:"And what if I said yes?"

Mercury:"Then you asked the wrong question. Let me answer your question with my own question. You want to be killed?"

Thunder starts rumbling in the air, the ground begins to shake as Mercury is covered in electricity. Campari stands with a smile while Mercury is using everything he has to not blow up with anger.

Mercury:"I'm going to make you pay for taking the people I care for most"

Campari:"How scary. A mortal telling me this sad excuse of being weak"

Mercury:"I may be weak...but being weak and accepting that weakness is what being a mortal is all about!"

The ground shakes even more with the electricity from Mercury becoming more violent.

Mercury:"I will show you my true power. Right here and right now!"

Mercury screams with the white aura beginning to coat around him. His hair stands white with his eyes doing the same. The aura around him has let go and travel around his body as he takes his stance with nothing but pure anger running through his mind.

Mercury:"You'll fear the real power of Super Saiyan White"

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