Chapter 19

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Mira: Alright you two get ready for transport

Mira says as he leaves the two saiyans behind, who were still sleeping but now have awoken

Masked Mercury: Ugh well then time to end this war once and for all, for the demon realm

Shaya: Finally we can actually have fun for once

The two saiyans got into there usual attire for fighting and started to head out but as they were walking out of the corridor Mercury hears Mira and someone else talking

Mira: It's alright we will send you back Black you helped us enough so we will lend you a hand in your timeline

Goku Black: I don't need your help I only came here to make sure Mercury won't be able to stop me this time. Had enough with him stopping me in every timeline possible

Mira: What do you plan to do anyways?

Goku Black: Nothing that concerns you. I'll be leaving now

And with that Goku Black enters a portal from his ring?

Masked Mercury: Whatever...have better things to do

Xicor's POV

Xicor: So we have nothing on finding Mercury?

Trunks: As of we don't

Xicor: Ughhh

Reaper: Xicor it's alright man we will think of something

Xicor: Let's Just keep looking-

The ground starts shaking and screaming can be heard in the distance

Xicor: What's going on?!

Trunks: They came back to finish off what they started!

Reaper: And I think we all know why they attack now

Xicor: They have Mercury...

Mercury's POV

Mira: Start blowing this place to hell

Masked Mercury: No problem

Mercury rises one hand and a huge ball of ki starts to take form while Shaya firing ki blast everywhere on Conton city

Mira: You ready Mercury?

Masked Mercury: I was born to kill...

Mercury fires the ki ball at the middle of Conton city but was stopped with Xicor on the other side in his blue form

Masked Mercury: Ah well if it isn't my brother

The ball was soon shot back with the help of Reaper and exploded in the sky behind Mercury

Xicor: Mercury...the hell did they do to you?

Masked Mercury: All they did was give me a place to live, everything else was by my own hand

Xicor: Mercury this isn't you please stop this what about Goku or Vegeta would they be proud of what you done?

Masked Mercury: Like I would care about those idiots they were just holding me back from who I really am!

Xicor: Then...I guess I was wrong about you being my brother

The atmosphere around the city became heavy as Xicor looks broken but also serious on getting Mercury back while even with the mask mercury was hurt inside and was slowly taking the mask off until Mira stopped Mercury before he could

Mira: The hell are you doing?! Fight him!

Masked Mercury: Yes sir.

And with that command Mercury rushes Xicor and started throwing fist back to back while Reaper was fighting Shaya and Mira went off with Towa to the time nest

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