Midnight calls in the form of glowing lights

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"I️ can't believe you convinced me this was a good idea," Patrick winced as he stepped over a twig, "I️ can barely see anything!"

"Patrick, it's so pretty out." Pete smiled, glancing at the surroundings.

"It won't be so pretty when the sun completely sets and we're lost." Patrick muttered angrily

The high school sweethearts argued as they made their way through the woods behind Pete's house.

Patrick was sleeping over and Pete thought it would be a fun idea to to go on a little walk. Well, a little walk turned in King Pete Wentz jumping around holding a stick that he claimed to be his royal staff and a crown he made himself out of leaves and sticks. Patrick was like his butler, following behind him and complaining as the other goofed around.

"We won't get lost, Patrick!" Pete jumped onto a rock and almost slips and falls.

"Oh really? Because I️ can't remember which way we came from and all you've been doing is running around like a 5 year old!" Patrick kicks and people in anger

"Patrick..." Pete hops off the rock with a thud and stands in front of his boyfriend, "calm down." He runs his finger over Patrick's chin.

Patrick let's out a sigh and nods. "Can we start headed back though...?"

Pete just smiles and nods. He grabs Patrick's cold hands and leads him through the dark forest.

About ten minutes later and one sunset later and the two are captured in pitch black darkness.

"Pete! This so stupid!" Patrick yells, trying to find Pete in the dark

"Hey, it was fun though." Pete laughs

"No!! It wasn't fun at all!" Patrick aims to push Pete, but misses because he can't see in the darkness, so he ends up falling in a pile of sticks.

Pete continues to laugh silently as he pulls Patrick up. "Ow..." he whines

"Come here, Pattycakes." Pete pulls Patrick into a hug and rests his head onto of Patrick's.

The two let go after a minute. "Pete...it's really dark and I'm scared." Patrick bites his lip

"Don't worry, I️ got this!" Patrick looks in confusion as Pete jumps up and down rapidly, but after a few seconds sees lights flashing on Pete's light up sneakers.

"Why are you this way."

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