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"Oh shit." Patrick huffs.

He's standing over the toilet, you know just pissed, and is now wiping his crotch but when he goes to throw it in the toilet he realizes something:

He's on his period.

He cusses and digs through the medicine cabinet for a tampon, finally finding one and using it. He sighs, his boxers all bloody.

Tear start to form in his eyes, he's a boy now. And this isn't supposed to happen anymore.

After cleaning up, he walks out of the bathroom and goes back into the living room.

Spencer, Jon, Pete, and Ray are over, them all watching Happy tree friends. Spencer and Jon are on the couch, while Ray is seating peacefully in the chair off in the corner, and Pete on the floor directly in front of the TV. Patrick swears he's fucking 6 years old.

"Why...why the fuck is happy tree friends on?" Patrick laughs, trying to play off what just happened.

"It's a great show, Patty." Ray says as a character get their head chopped off.

"Right..." Patrick rolls his eyes.

He shifts uncomfortably, pulling at his pants. Pete looks up at his, confused expression. "You good, fam?" 

Patrick breathes in heavily. "Pete I'm fucking fine."

Pete's eyes widen.

"Patrick...dude chill." Jon laughs, finding the outburst funny.

Spencer smacks his arm.

Patrick feels like steam is coming out of his eyes, making an angry expression and a red face he starts yelling. "YOU KNOW WHAT JON? FUCK YOU...IM GOING UPSTAIRS."

Patrick stomps up the stairs, so pissed off.

As soon as he reaches the top, he breaks down crying, he collapses on the floor and backs himself up against the wall. Tear flow down his face, him coughing and whimpering slightly.

The four guys look in shock at each other, finally a light bulb going off in Pete's head.

"Oh...oh no." He stands up.

He speed walk to the doorway, then turns back to the other three, "um...I'll be right back."

Pete jogs through the house and up the stairs, he feels his heart break a little when he sees Patrick. "Patrick..."

Patrick looks up and starts bawling more. He makes grabby hands to Pete, and he walks over to him. Pete picks Patrick up bridal style and carries him to him bed, placing him gently under the comforter.

"Are you...menstruating?" Pete looks sadly at Patrick.

Patrick just cries more, Pete climbing up next him on the bed. He kisses Patrick's forehead, Patrick's face going beet red while tear continually fall down his face.

"You wanna take your binder off...?" Pete sits up.




Patrick's very self conscious, like most trans people.

Pete pulls off his shirt and hooks his hands under Patrick's binder, both their faces graced with a soft blush.

"Thank you..."

Pete smiles. "Anytime, Trick."

You know my friend sent this to my friends and me on our group chat. It inspired this oneshot.

 It inspired this oneshot

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