Egg role

800 33 11

"Alright, Mr.Stump, your next mission will commence tomorrow," Patrick continues pacing around his apartment room as he listens to the voice recording from his boss, "you'll sneak into the Way's base and acquire the codes for my company to use..."

The voice cut out for a minute.

"What?" Patrick says out loud to himself, "how am I supposed do this alone..."

The voice speaks again.

"You'll be joined on this mission by another spy from Chicago. His name is Peter Wentz, but goes by just Pete. You two will meet outside the building and start the instructions I'll be feeding you as the mission goes on."

Then, the voice recording ends.

"Wha...WHAT?!" Patrick yells.

Patrick is so used to doing solo missions, and thinks that having a partner would just mess him up. But, he listens to Mr.Iero's voice recording and sighs-searching for his hand gun among his messy room.

The next morning Patrick packs his bags and sets out with a sigh. He drives his car to the building and parks around the back corner. He dials a number.

"Yea, Mr.Iero, um...where should I meet..." Patrick stuttered our awkwardly.

"You'll meet Mr.Wentz at the Chinese restaurant in the lot across from Way's Base. He's kinda short but taller then you, jet black hair with a fringe-probably wearing eyeliner. He's...uh...a stand out." Mr.Iero laughs.

" last thing. You think I'll like him?" Patrick says nervously

Mr.Iero laughs more. "Oh you'll hate him."

"Fine..." Patrick hears his hysterical laughter as he ends the call.

He starts his car again and pulls into the small lot of restaurants and a dry cleaner. He parks and gets out of the car.

He takes a deep breathe before pushing open the door, the bell lets out a little "ding!" as he enters. He immediately wants to step right back out as he witnesses the scene in front of him.

"What do you mean it's rude to balance chop sticks on my nose! I just think you don't understand fun!"

The man crosses his arms and turns away from the staff member he was talking to with such sass.

"Sir...I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The staff member said quietly

Patrick was frozen in the door. The man perfectly fit the description Mr.Iero has said would be his partner. Oh god.

"Fine! I'll just take my egg role and leave!" The man grabs his egg role bag and spins towards the door dramatically. He goes to walk out without looking, but it stopped by Patrick standing in front of the door still.

"Oh sorry-Oh! Hey! Patrick, right?!" The man smiles and sticks out his hand.

The whole restaurant is watching.

Patrick laughs nervously, pushing the man's hand down, grabbing his jacket. "I'm sorry for disturbance..." then pulls the man outside.

"Oh, those guys in there I swear to God! I just was trying to have fun while waiting for you to arrive, I was getting so bored! I mea-"

"OH MY GOD DO YOU EVER SHUP UP?!" Patrick huffs

"Hey, sasstrick chill." The man smiles.

"I hate you already..." Patrick mumbles, "and don't call me that. I'm Mr.Stump to you. And you're Mr.Wentz correct?"

"The one and only! But you can just call me Pete." Pete smiles wider

"Stop smiling, it's scaring me." Patrick says

Pete just laughs and punches Patrick's arm. "Ha! Okay, sasstri-"


"Oh right sorry...sasstrick."

"Oh my god..." Patrick pulls Pete to his car, stomping, "how are you even an agent?"

"Simple...I'm a pleaser, a suck up if you will. I gain people's trust. Plus, I'm good at figuring things out-or so I've been told." Pete says proudly.

Patrick looks unamused.

"Yea no im gonna fly solo on this one you can just sit in the car and eat your egg roles." Patrick opens the passages side of the car, pushing Pete in.

"Aye! No I want to help!" Pete protests, but the door is slammed shut by Patrick.

Patrick sits on the trunk of his car and thinks. How is he gonna do this?

The passenger door flys open. Patrick roles his eyes.

Pete stomps out angrily. "Okay look, you know I like to be nice and friendly but you can't just treat me like shit okay? We're here to do this mission as a team. We just need to work together and not against each other. Then, after this is all over you won't ever have to see me again."

He leans forward towards Patrick and Patrick leans back in alarm. Pete is staring at Patrick with rage and Patrick looks a bit nervous.

"O-okay..." Patrick breathes out.

"Alright, cool!" Pete smiles and pulls back, "now...let's go take down the Way's base!"

Pete pulls Patrick off the car and pats his head.

"Hey!" Patrick swats Pete's hand away.

Pete giggles. fucking giggles.

'How The fuck is this going to work...' Patrick thinks to himself.

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