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They're a witch.

All my senses are telling me not to walk my tired legs into the broken home.

They're the one everyone has told me to stay away from, they get a hold on people.

I don't even know why I left the central building this morning. I guess I seemed some kind of adventure, hoping maybe I could find Andy. He was taken by the vary being who lives in the home in front of me.

Joe's worried sick about Andy, wanting to leave the central building and enter the real world, so he can find his friend. But he never did, too scared of what's out here.

I'm not scared.

Never was.

I'm more intrigued by them. Everyone fears them. They're pastel blue eyes, cold radiation, fag antics.

Them being a fag is why everyone fears them, the gay plague has taken over. They are the first of the fags, infecting others as the days pass. That's why Joe's been so worried; he hopes Andy hadn't been taken and turned.

I just stand a stare at the home, a small house with plants and vines covering it. Broken pieces of wood hanging, the windows dirty.

I wanna be turned.

Actually, I think I was turned awhile back. I desire the fag, they're beautiful porcelain face and lightning fast reactions.

I used to see them at school, quiet and always pushing his glasses up his nose. They was so happy, so pretty. Back then "they" was "him". Then they changed that. They then started the gay plague, a true disaster.

I approach the dark wooded front door, watching to see if anything would happen. I turn my head around to make sure I'm not being watched, then knock quietly in the door.

I don't know how many they have turned, president Trump says around 13, as of last time the government checked. Our president keeps us "safe" by keeping us in the central building, away from the fag, the disabled, the retarded, the insane, the other harmful races. I'm actually biracial, but I'm very pale and have hazel/light brown eyes so I pass as fully white.

There is noise inside the hour and I immediately regret knocking on the door, I back up quickly.

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

What am I do-


I freeze, a few feet away from the door.

I know that voice.

"A-Andy...?" I cry out.

"Pete!" He looks back in the home, then runs up to me.

He pulls me into the biggest hug and I start crying. I don't know why I'm crying, but he looks so much better. No more bag under his eyes, he's not sickly pale, he's a healthy weight. Everyone at the central building (everyone in the western time zone of the US) is not healthy, he looks better. I'm not well like everyone.

There's a central building for each US time zone.

"I-I missed you...Joe's practically dead over in the central building without you..." I cry-talk out.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I know he's crying too.

I can hear around us people shuffling, whispering. I pull away quickly.

There's three people.

Andy sets back towards one, standing beside them. I know them.

"Gerard. He's Gerard." Andy smiles sadly.

I remember Gerard, sweet kid. Artsy, and a freshman last I saw him. But like all of us, he's older now.

One comes up behind me and wraps themselves around my body. "I'm Frank, remember me, Peter?"

I do. "F-Frank? Iero? A-and Gerard Way..."

Andy, Gerard, and Frank all have face paint on them, colorful patterns, words like 'I miss you' or 'catholic' written on their necks.

I swear I saw a another person.

"Hello, Pete." I jump back as someone appear in my life of vision.

It's them. They started this. Blue eyes and all. I get angry.

"YOU! YOU STARTED THIS YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI-" Frank pull me back as I try to jump on them.

"PETE, CALM DOWN." Andy says.

And I'm crying again now. I can feel myself slowly sliding down to the ground, curled into a ball. I'm hiccuping and coughing, tearing stream down the sides of my face.

"Hey, Hey..." they say, "come here."

They pick me up, wrapping their arms around me. "N-no, stop." I cry out as they hush me and rub my back.

Frank, Gerard, and Andy take this as their cue to leave. They all rush, quietly back into the old, broken house.

"Do you remember me?" They sit down, me in their lap.

I'm crying into their jacket. It's covered in pins and has many lgbt patches sewn into it.

"You're-you're Patrick..." they rubs my back.

"yup," they're whispering, "and you're Pete Wentz. A great soccer player with the best emo fringe around."

I laugh-cry a bit.

"You were so sweet, always looked at me. You know I was bullied, you made sure I was okay even if that meant being embarrassed by jocks."

"Wh-what happened?" I ask

"I came out as non-binary, but since president Trump passed the anti-fag act, all hell broke loose. Apparently I started 'the gay plague.' And now all us queers who have the heart to admit themselves have gathered here. You're gay, right?"

"I'm-I'm bi. I mean...I think." I wipe the last of the tears out of my eyes, "how many live in there?" I point to the home.


"W-what? The government says only like 13..." I say.

"They accumulate." They smiles at me, "will you..."

They stops talking, getting distracted and looks me in the eyes, hands holding my fragile body. There's moister on my face from crying and my eyes are red and irritated.

They quickly puts their hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down, pressing their lips on mine. I swiftly place my hands on their face and pull them impossibly closer.

"Please stop..." Andy appears in the doorway.

We don't stop.

Patrick just grabs the front of my shirt and pushes their tongue in my mouth, a moaning noise coming out of my mouth.


We pulls away reluctantly.

"Okay...welcome to your new life, I'm assuming you're staying with us...am I correct?" Patrick stands me up.

"Yea...we need to get Joe though...somehow." I scratch the back of my neck.

"We will, Pete. Trust me, we were planning how to get you and him here soon." Andy smiles graciously.

I smile back, and Patrick grabs my hands and pulls me towards the home.

And here we go.

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