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"Hey, so I'm gonna go take a shower, then we'll leave for-"

Patrick is cut off when Pete sprung up from laying on his bed. "Can I️ join?"

Patrick just looks in confusion as Pete stands up and walks up to him quickly. "Um...okay?"

Pete smirks and grabs a towel for himself, then speeds out the door before Patrick can move.

"Right..." Patrick walks into the bathroom to see Pete turning on the water

After Pete has the water the way he likes, he starts pulling off items of clothes. Patrick watches, frozen as Pete takes off his boxers.

"C'mon, Stumpy." Pete says

Patrick hastily pulls off his clothes and watches Pete climb into the shower. Patrick follows.

Patrick squeals and backs out of the shower as he feels the water hit his skin. Pete looks in confusion.

"How cold is your heart?! How do you TOLERATE THIS?!"

Pete laughs "The water isn't that hot!"

"Uh, yes it is." Patrick says sassily

Pete scoffs. "Fine, you make it the temperature you want it."

Patrick sighs and steps back into the shower and turns the nob until the water is lukewarm.

"AH!! You call this warm?! Are we at THE NORTHPOLE?!" Pete yells

"Oh hush, it's perfect." Patrick looks at Pete

"No! It's cold." Pete says like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"Uh! Fine I'll just burn my skin off."
Patrick turns the nob to hotter water, wincing as it hits his skin.

Pete puts his arms around Patrick's waist and kisses his shoulder, Patrick still facing the shower head.


"Shhh...I'm distracting you."

"F-from..?" Patrick holds in a moan and Pete smirks again.

"The water, dumbo."

Patrick turns around. "Did you just call me an elephant?"

" come here." He pull Patrick into a passionate kiss.

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