Devil Head

552 29 13

I run as fast as I can.

My worn out legs pumping me forward, heavy breathes leaving my mouth. The wind is blowing my hair back and I lost my beanie a few hundred strides back, my tongue hangs out if my mouth. I smirk.

I can see him flying over me, soft wings propelling his body forward. He looks like Icarus, arms spread out.

His golden hair flies in his face, swiftly moving through tree tops and over branches. His face tinted red from flying so much and so fast.

He realizes I'm looking at him, and looks down at me. He smiles goofily, and flips to fly up side down so he can look at me, and I laugh with the same smirk on my face. He sticks his tongue out at me.

Suddenly his smiles falls, I look at him confused. I look forward again, jumping over a log. I kick off a tree and keep going.

He's yelling at me.


He tries to swoop down to me, but the forest is to plentiful. The trees get in the way of his wings. He's still screaming.

Finally I hear him. "PETE, LUCIFER!! LUCIFER!!"

I frantically look around, stopping abruptly.

"Peter..." I spin around behind me.

And there he is. "Dad..."

Staff in hand, face full of fury. "I told you you're not allow to be around him."

He uses a force to pull Patrick down from the sky, wing behind his back. Patrick tumbled down, rolling over the forest floor.

"Patrick!" I rush over to him, but he forces me back.

"I would've thought my boy would have chosen better than to hang around an angel."

I hear Patrick whimper our in pain.

" doesn't fucking matter what he is or what I am, he's my friend. I...I love him." I hold back tears.

"Wrong words, son." He holds up Patrick by his shirt.

Patrick breathes uneven, shaking. "P-please, I'm s-sorry, sir..." tears rush down his face.

"Get out of here." My dad pushes Patrick on the ground, turning back to me.

"You're home in twenty." He points, then vanishes into the night.

At this point, the sun is down. Stare lace the sky. That's what I should have expected. It's almost always dark in purgatory, but it's the only place Patrick and I can both go to besides earth.

The run to Patrick, and fall on my knees by his side. "Trick, I'm so fucking sorry...I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

Tears side down my face.

"It's okay..." he smiles painfully.

"No! It's not, I'm so sorry..." I pull him to sit up.

"Hey..." he strokes my cheek fondly.

I pull him into my lap and push myself to lean up against a tree. I rub his back and kiss his neck lightly, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"We should run away." I say abruptly, I'm angry.

He leans back a bit, looking me in the face really closes. "Pete, I don't think that's such a good idea...I mean, hell would be all fucked up if the Devil's son ran away."

"So? It'll be figured out. Plus Heaven has tons of fucking angels," Patrick frowns, "oh! And I'm not saying you're not special..that's not what I..what I-"

Patrick pushes his lips on mine. I shut up immediately, and look in shock. After a moment I kiss back roughly, I'm still angry. He wraps his arms around my neck again and I grab his waist, rubbing his hipbone lightly. I stand up, picking him up. I turn us around and slam his into the tree I was just leaning on.

I hold him up with on hand, and place my other hand to grip the back of his neck. I force my tongue in his mouth, causing him to moan and curl his fingers into my hair.

"We're running dawn tomorrow." I say pulling away, but keeping out for heads touching.

(666 word count oof)

"Yea okay..." Patrick breathes heavy, "b-but where?"

Pete think for a moment. "Earth."

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