Dr. Jekyll to see you

422 21 7

Patrick pours the glowing green liquid material into a flask. The flask full of pink sticky liquid, and when the green hits it: a smooth purple watery substance is the result.


Patrick smirks, his eyes lighting up underneath his goggles. He walks to another table, a few broken items surrounding it. Broken glass is everywhere—frustrating gets the best of him sometimes.

He leans over the bucket of wet, thick material. It's moving and a gray blob.

It's alive.

Patrick grabs a microscope off the table, it covered in glass that he brushes off.

He tries not to get glass in his gloves—but fails and curses when he feel a sharp poke on his left hand.

After dumping that glass on the floor, he stops back over to the bucket.

"Hello, Little buddy." Patrick smirks wider.

The creature shifts and Patrick only squeezes a white paste in a measuring cup.

"This won't hurt too bad..."

He flicks the paste onto the small being, it screaming out quietly in pain.

"Shhhh, I'm sorry. It'll be over soon." Patrick flicks the last of it on the blob.

The creature stops moving, and Patrick sighs.

It was supposed to work this time.

It was supposed to start to grow, grow into an intelligent being, a side kick. Patrick's assistant.

Patrick let's out a loud "UGH!" and throws his goggles on the table.

He breathes out heavy.

"Fuck..." he says sadly.

Just as he was about to start cleaning up this mess and start planning a new method of creation—he hears a knock of his lab door.

"Mr. Sandman to see you!" Patrick recognizes the voice belonging to his servant.

"Tell him I cannot see anyone!" Patrick yells back a bit more forceful then he meant to.

Patrick doesn't hear a response and he sighs yet again. He picks up his goggles. He walks over to his sink. He throws his goggles in it, then takes off his gloves and tosses them in a trash can. He removes his lab coat and puts it in the sink.

Patrick walks through the lab, and out the door. The light outside is blinding him.

He's now in the living space, or living room as common folk call it.

Patrick sees Ryan Ross, his servant he hears calling his name before, sitting on a chair. He's speaking with a man with jet black hair and an overall gothic appearance.

Patrick assumes he's Mr. Sandman.

Ryan notices me. "Dr. benzedrine! Lovely for you to join us, finally!"

"Lovely to be back." Patrick glances at Mr. Sandman.

"Mr. Sandman, pleasure to meet you. What may I be of assistance for?"

"Call me Pete, please. I was wondering if a Mr. Hyde lives here?"

Patrick frowns. "In a sense, Pete. I prefer if we did not speak of him."

Mr. Hyde was long-gone. A horror story come true in the form of a failed science experiment by Patrick, or Dr. benzedrine. He took care of Hyde awhile ago.

"Why of course...maybe you could be of assistance to me then." Pete smiles and stands in front of Patrick.

"And what may it be?"

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