This damn school play...

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"SANCTUARY!" Horror yells as he jumps into the pirate fight.

"Horror, you're alive!" Adventure smiles as the fight stops.

"Not for long!" A bandit yells and the fighting starts all put again. Long John Silver and his Bandits vs. adventure and his pirates.

This all started when Richard Tyler was sucked into the world of books by a librarian, also known as the Page Master by the book.

Oh yea the books are alive too.

Like mentioned earlier, there's Adventure. But also Horror, who you've also met, and Fantasy.

The funny thing about Horror is that he's actually afraid of everything.

Horror ducks around the battle, slipping behind a plant. Fantasy soon joins.

"Fantasy!" Richard yells happily, avoiding bandits, "you're here too!"

"Of course I am, sweetie! Who were you expecting, the tooth fairy?" Fantasy laughs.

"Alright, everyone stop!" The theater teacher yells.

Patrick (Horror) stands up, scratching his head. Pete (adventure) chuckles and plays with his sword a bit whilst the teacher speaks. Sarah (Fantasy) slings an arm over Patrick's shoulder. Ryan (Richard) sighs tiredly.

"One more hour and we're free." She jokes as the teacher screams.

Patrick laughs silently. "Fricken finally."

And now a group of cast members are in the back rooms. They're searching for a headdress for a person who plays a ghost story. They lost it.

Patrick, Pete, Sarah, Brendon (the ghost story), and Ryan search for the headdress. Their theater teacher said they can't leave until this find it.

"This fucking school play..." Pete kicks a chair in frustration.

"Pete, chill out, dude. It's all my fault..." Brendon starts and then looks at Patrick with a goofy smirk.

"Brendon, fucking don't." Patrick says angrily.

"...I was trying to help them find their way to the other side of the house!" Brendon recites Patrick's lines as Horror.

"Woah, Stump swore?" Ryan says.

"Leave him alone, Ry." Sarah throws items around.

They all search...

...for twenty more minutes.

"THIS IS STUPID," Pete yells next to Patrick, "REHEARSAL ENDED AN HOUR AGO."

"Actually, it was thirty seven minu-"

"Patrick, shut up." Pete throws a tennis ball at him.

The ball hit Patrick in the arm, a red mark obvious on his pale skin. His fake-blood covered sleeves rolled up.

"Okay, ow." Patrick tries not to whimper.

"Just go look with the other three in the other back hallway. I'll probably just gonna keep throwing shit at you if you don't." Pete smirks.


"I don't know, it's fun." Pete grabs a pair of boots.

He looks over to Patrick.

"Don't you fucking dar-"

And that's how Patrick ends up in the boy's bathroom with Pete mumbling how stupid Patrick is while putting bandaids in him.

Patrick sits on the sink, legs dangling down below him. He has a huge bruise on his collar bone and quite a few cuts around there and the shoulder area.

"Why are you so fucking stupid you should have just moved out of the damn way Patrick why would you just stand there like seriously-"

"Pete, you were the one who threw the boots at me!" Patrick frowns.

"Shut up, sassy boy." Pete puts a bandage on Patrick's neck.

"Oh god does it look like I have a hickey?" Patrick worries.

"You're fourteen, I think either no one will care, or will just roll their eyes or just look at you er somethin'."

Pete hold Patrick still by grabbing the back of his neck. Other hand's fingers running over a bloody cut on his collar bone. Patrick shivers.

"B-but I don't like being looked at..." Patrick stutters.

"Well too bad."

Pete pushes down too hard on the cut, Patrick tries to pull back, but can't because of Pete's hand holding him in place by the back of the neck.

"Pete that hurts."

Pete stops pushing so hard, looking up at Patrick. Patrick stares down at him with a slightly nervous expression.

For some reason in Pete's Jr. High, 14 year old, emo hormonal brain he decides it's a good idea to lick a strip up Patrick's neck.


Patrick shivers a bit, trying to move back and away from Pete into the sink. But Pete's hand on the back of his neck keeps him in place.

Pete seems to snap out of it, and scoffs. He pushes Patrick back.

"Get my shit and put it back We're it should go." He goes to walk out of the bathroom.

"No." Patrick hops off the sink, picking up his own stuff.

"Patrick." Pete says sternly.

Patrick just blocks him out and hums. He's bent down, ass in the air facing Pete.

Pete bites his lip.

"Patrick, get my shit, now, or I'm taking your lunch everyday for the next week."

Patrick doesn't move at all, just grabbing bits of his costume off the floor.

"You little asshole." Pete mutters and stomps over to Patrick.

He wraps his arms around his waist, spinning him around to shoving his up against a wall. He grabs Patrick's hands and pins them against it.

Patrick look terrified.

There's a pause.

Then Pete can't take it anymore and he slams his lips into Patrick's. He growls and presses Patrick closer to him.


Two boys walk in, the one who yelled covering 'Andy's' eyes. Andy sighs.

Pete pushes Patrick back, yet again. Pete plays it cool, but Patrick looks guilty knowing the two boys saw. They both recognize the boy who yelled as the character Dr. Jekyll from the school play.

"Joe, you realize that I've never actually seen what the two are doing right? Like in every oneshot you cover my eyes. Like are they killing each other? Worshiping Satan? Fucki-"

"OKAY ANDY THAT'S ENOUGH." 'Joe' yelled and pulled Andy out of the bathroom.

There's a silence gracing the room.

Pete just sighs, Patrick looking at him with scared baby blue eyes.


Pete opens his arms.

Patrick tries not to start crying, and runs over to Pete—falling into his embrace.

Patrick doesn't really know why he's exactly crying. But Pete just comforts him by rubbing his back, Patrick's face in his neck.

This damn school play will be the death of them.

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