So you go to Catholic School?~part 2

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The six middle schoolers look around at each other. They aren't aloud to speak until the questions start.

"Okay, welcome, guys." Gerard says from behind the camera, "are you ready to start this project?"

Everyone mumbles 'yes.'

"So...can everyone introduce themselves?" Frank continues for Gerard, "from right to left, starting with fro fro over here."

Frank points at Ray, Patrick and Pete snort. They look at each other, Pete smirking. Patrick raises an eyebrow and turns back to look at Ray.

"Hi...uh, I'm Ray Toro. I'm 14, um, I like sports." Pete rolls his eyes and Ashley sighs dramatically.

"Well, I'm Sarah. I'm also 14, and I my favorite person is my little brother." Sarah smiles kindly at everyone.

Ashley scoffs. "I'm Ashley Simpson-do NOT make any Simpson jokes or I will have my boyfriend hurt you. I'm 13 in three weeks and four day, and I love 5 seconds of summer...I'm kinda really punk rock." She does the rock'n'roll hand sign.

Yes, because blonde long hair, pink headband, and bright colored clothing means punk rock.

Pete laughs. "Oh, wow! You're a bitch!"

The room is silent for a moment, Gerard and Frank looking at each other for what to do.

"Dude, chill. Let her act the way she wants to act. If she's being a dumb bitch, then people will see that~I mean Ashley you sound kinda bitchy." Patrick says calmly to Pete, then Ashly.


"Uh, Hey. I'm Brent." Brent says.

"That's it?" Ray questions.

"I mean...pretty much, yea."

"Alright then..." Ray mutters.

"I'm Patrick Stump. They/them or he/him pronouns please. I'm 13 and love Green Day and Christina Aguilar." Patrick folds his hands together on the table with an award winning smile.

"Are you seriously one of those tumblr...or-or Wattpad users who will cut someone duck off if they misgender you? God, obviously you're a public schooler. And an asshole. It's all a phase! Soon enough you'll be normal like the rest of them..." Pete says angrily.

Patrick raises an eyebrow. "Dude, back off."

Pete rolls his eyes and loudly scoffs. "Ugh, whatever. No one understands me."

It was Patrick's turn to roll his eyes.

"I'm Pete Wentz. I'm 13, and I like taking back Sunday, blink 182 and...Green Day. But not like little gender-expert-shithead does. I'm not a fag."

"You know, I would say your from private school but you're just so emo it throws me off-" Patrick says

"SHUT UP OH MY GOD." Pete say annoyed.

After about 8 controversial questions, Pete was warming up to this Patrick guy. Turns out Patrick is also a living meme and has a great taste in music...not to mention fashion.

"Okay, this is the last question," Gerard starts, "What is your idea of a public schooler and a private catholic schooler?"

"Well, I think that the two are kinda similar, I guess. I'm assuming not all public schoolers are bad influences and not all private schoolers are assholes." Ray says shrugging.

Sarah nods her head. "I can agree with that."

"I think that from either schools, everyone is a bit of a basic stupid person, but I will just assume that there are cool people like me, just some of them know, religious and others aren't." Ashley says with a cocky tone.

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