I hate you

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This ones longer but I️ really like it.


"Here's the plan." Gerard said

Gerard and Mikey sat in their living room. The two were discussing a very important topic. The two were the matchmakers of the school. Often call "the way brothers matchmaking service" by their friends.

The important topic is the next match the two wanted to make happen. Two boys, each in in different friend groups. The two hate each other. But Mikey and Gerard could tell there is something there.

"Okay, both of them are in theater club-" Mikey started but was cut off by his brother

"No! The whole reason they hate each other is because they both want a lead role! Then, out of theater, they argue over everything. It's not smart to try to get them together using something that causes the hate," Gerard says, "now...my plan."

Mikey sits listen closely.

"They both have a mutual friend, right?"

"Yea, Ray. I️ know the dude he's pretty cool." Mikey says obviously

"Right! So, we need to get Ray in on this!" Gerard says

"Okay, but what is he gonna do?"

"You'll see..."

The next day at school...

Patrick walks into his first period class. Math, ew. He slings his backpack off his shoulders and sits in his seat. He sighs and puts his head down on the desk.

The second bell rings and he sits up slightly. Here we go.

After math is over, he makes his way up to the second floor where one of his favorite classes is happening, music. He waves the teacher hello and sits in the front row.

A few kids come in, including his friend Ray. "Hey, Pattycakes."

Ray sits in his seat next to Patrick smirking, knowing what is about to happen.

"Hi, Raymond."

"Egh, don't call me that."

The rest of the class shuffles in, Patrick scoffing as a certain boy walks past him. Pete. Stupid Pete.

"Hello, lovely." Pete says sarcastically and groans as he realizes the only seats left are next to a teacher's Pet that will keep him from not paying attention and Patrick. Stupid fucking Patrick.

Patrick makes a noise if annoyance at Pete's comment. And whines as Pete sits down next to him.

"What? Pretty boy mad?" Pete says cooly

Ray smiles innocently at the two boys, both on his left.

"Shut up, Wentz."

"Hey guys. So today is Thursday meaning..." the teacher starts the class.

"Meaning it's a free day!" A girls yells out from the back.

"That's right, Megan!" The teacher says, "so, get up. Play the instruments, have fun!"

Patrick stands up and makes his way over to the drums. He sits on the seat and grabs the sticks. He hits the snare drum and smiles. As he is ready to start waling in the set, his stick is taken out of his hand.

He turns around angrily to see Pete holding the stick with a smirk.

"Hey! Give me that back, asshole!" Patrick yells

Pete just laughs and tosses the stick to Ray. Ray giggles and Patrick glares at him.

Ray then tosses the stick back to Pete. Patrick stands up and start reaching for the stick but Pete, being slightly taller, holds it steadily above his head.

Pete is mockingly laughing and Patrick decides he's had enough.

Patrick pushes Pete hard enough that he slams into the wall, dropping the drum stick.

Pete is at a loss for words, and Patrick is so close to him, glaring.

Ray smirks wide as the plan plays out perfectly. 

Patrick has disregarded the stick, and is now focused on scolding at Pete.


Patrick gets even closer to Pete, there noses almost touching.

Patrick breathes heavily.

He calms down a bit. "What?! What are you looking at?!" He says as Pete stares at him in shock

Patrick has never gotten this physical before.

"Patrick..." Patrick rubs his eyes, trying to force the tears away

Pete just pushed him over the edge this time. He pushes off Pete and goes to walk away, but Pete grabs his wrist and pulls him back to where he just was.

"Hey..." Pete wipes the tears running down Patrick's face, "I'm sorry..."

Patrick averts his eyes.

Pete moves his hand to Patrick's chin and makes him look at him.

Patrick leans in every so slightly, Pete following. There foreheads touch and Pete closes the gap.

No one seems to have even notice, because no one ever goes in the drum area.

Ray smiles and walks off as he see Patrick put his hand on Pete's face as they kiss.

The plan was for Ray to tell Pete to take Patrick drum stick, knowing that Pete would be down and that it would frustrate Patrick. Then, Patrick would get frustrated, push Pete. Pete would apologize at the sight of Patrick being so frustrated, then they'd kiss. The plan seemed so unrealistic, but Gerard ensured it would work as long as Ray stuck to the plan.

And the next day at school, Gerard whispered an 'I told you so.' As him and Mikey watched Pete and Patrick walk down the halls, holding hands.

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