Turn me

828 31 1

Everyone has someone.
But I haven't found anyone.
You will.
What if I don't?
Your time will come.
Patrick walked down old city streets, gasping from running. He was crying, blood spread on his cheek. Tear and alcohol mixed in his mouth, his tongue taste still lingering as well.
Patrick rounded a corner and hugged his stomach-he felt sick.
Vomit was now staining the walls, leaving thick strands of blood everywhere.
He wiped his mouth and whimpered out, more salty tear spilling down his face. His knife in his back pocket.
Patrick slumped down the ally wall and onto the cold ground, water from the rain soaking into his pants.
A, now, small voice says.
"no no no no no no no no no no no."
"Please, come here..."
The man reaches for Patrick,
"My baby's covered in blood."
Patrick just cried harder,
"M-my blood, from y-you..."
He managed.
"Baby, you-" he got cut off
Another voice rang.
Patrick looked up to see Pete, blood lining his shirt and eyes wet with tears. Dallon backs away from Patrick.
"Stay. Away. From. Him."
Pete growls, showing his fangs.
Dallon runs off, not before releasing a nasty growl.
"Fucking mutt." Pete mutters.
Patrick cries hard,
so does Pete.
He runs over to Patrick, piercing his own veins and forcing his hand up to Patrick's mouth. Patrick not wanting to drink, but Pete leaves him no option.
Patrick whimpers And sucks the blood out of Pete, feeling revived.
"What did he..."
"rape. rape and abuse."
"oh, Patrick..." Pete cries in pain from Patrick's words.
Dallon wasn't it.
I know, I realized this now.
Pete is.
I've also realized that.
Pete carries Patrick up the stairs, blood, sweat, tears, alcohol, all running through beating veins of two vampires.
They lay, awake all night. But, something tells them it's all gonna be okay.
Bronx walks in.
"Yes?" Pete says
"Why is Patrick here?"
"He's just gonna spend the night."
"Turn me."
So Pete turned you?
Of course.
But you're his son.
All the more reason.
Thanks for talking with me, Bronx.

What the fuck is this?

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