How in the world is this fair

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"I️ don't get why we always do this," Joe started, "like, we've been doing it since we were freshman. Now we're seniors. Isn't it a bit immature at this point?"

Pete, Andy, and I️ look at each other.

"No." Pete says for the three of us

Joe rolls his eyes and sinks into the booth.

The four of us are at a roller skating place, but what we were there for was laser tag.

"It's tradition, Joe." Andy smiles

"Yea, and we're gonna keep it up as long as possible." I️ add

"Fffffffiiiinnne." Joe sinks even lower in his seat

"Not only is it tradition to kick the asses of people in laser tag on Fridays, it's the only time the three of us can really hang out outside of school." Pete smiles sadly

"Yea alright." Joe sits up

"God Joe, you can stop pretending to be mature. Don't force growing up on yourself." Andy pats his back

Joe sighs.

"Well, last game of the night starts soon." I says smirking slightly

Pete raises his eyebrow at me. "Is it time, boys?"

We all smile and get up.

We walk over and wait in line for the final game of the night.

"Hey, I've seen those four play before." One boy whispered to another boy

I️ laugh and shake my head. That's how much we come here, people have started to recognize us.

"Yea, they're really good." The other boy whispers back

Soon the door opens and Pete grabs my wrist and pulls me into the room where we put on our "gear."

Andy and Joe walk over to us.

"Game plan?" Joe asks

"Patrick and I️ get the left side, you and Andy get right. We'll meet in the middle once everyone else playing is dead." Pete says

I️ laugh. "Pete, they don't die."

"You get the point, Pattycakes."

When the game starts, Pete and I️ are already on the left side and going in two different directions.

I️ shoot a few people, then shuffle over in the direction of Pete. There are too many crazy children running around here and they're all shooting each other anyway.

I️ whip around a few corners, but soon feel a hand on the back of my jacket pulling me towards the corner of the a blockade. I️ let out a little yelp as I'm pushed up against the wall, and as my vision adjust to see the person who now has me pinned against a wall, I️ see Pete with a smirk. I️ stand still and catch my breathe a bit, still looking at him in shock.

I️ go to push off the wall, but Pete shoves me back again. We look at each other for a moment. He still has a smirk, and I️ look confused. He leans forward quickly and presses his lips onto mine. It take a second for me to process what just happened, but then without thinking I️ kiss back.

After a minute of making out in the corner of the blockade, Pete pulls away, pushes me back yet again, shoots me, and runs away laughing.

I️ smile but when I️ look down and see that now I️ only have two lives makes me realize that Pete's an asshole.

"God damnit, Wentz!" I️ yell laughing a bit

And I'm return I️ hear a faint "Stumpy swore?!"

I️ laugh hardest, shake me head, and continue the game.

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