The guess students just like you better

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"Alright, Patrick, it's time to count up the gifts!" Pete says, walking into Patrick's music classroom.

"Okay! Lay them out on my desk." Patrick goes into the classroom's closet to get all his gifts.

Patrick-Mr. Stump, the high school's music teacher and Pete-Mr. Wentz, the art teacher. After every Christmas break the two compare how many gifts each got from their students. Pete's won the last three years. He's only been working here three years.

Patrick lays his pile of gifts on his desk, Pete following shortly after.

"Ready, loser?" Pete smirks

"Oh hush, hun." Patrick smiles back

" two three..."

Ten minutes and two cups of coffee later...

"I️ won! Again!" Pete jumps a bit

"Wha...why does everyone like you better??" Patrick says in a funny voice and Pete laughs, "oh yea, it's cause ever girl in fourth period has a crush on you." Patrick giggles

Pete scoffs and sits on Patrick's chair. Patrick is sitting on the desk and moves his feet off of the chair as Pete sits in it.

"Nuu put you're feet on the arm rests." Pete says

Patrick does so and the two look at each other, waiting for the other to do something.

"Um...Mr.Stump?" A small voice is heard from the door way.

Pete instantly stands up and Patrick jumps off his desk.

"HEY! Anyone in here?!?!" Another, louder voice yells

The two teacher look at the doorway to see Brendon and Ryan standing. Brendon, being the one who yelled, stands with an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed. Ryan stands next his awkwardly.

"What's up, boys?" Patrick walks towards the door calmly

"Well! Um, so Ryro left his sweatshirt in here, and we're here to retrieve it." Brendon leans on the door frame as Ryan speed walks to grab his sweatshirt that's resting on a chair.

"Ryro?" Pete asks

"Ryro, his nickname. Mr.Wentz, I'd expect you to be a little more uh...with the times." Brendon says

"Hey, I'm very with the times!" Pete stands up and walks over to stand next to Patrick, he snakes his arm around his waist and smiles, making Patrick's face turn red.

"So with the times, Brendon, that I'm queer." Pete kisses Patrick's cheek and Patrick stands frozen.

"Oh my-you Guys are my new OTP!!" Brendon squeals

"I️...what." Ryan stands in the doorway with Brendon.

"OT-what?" Pete looks confused

Patrick is still frozen.

"OTP, one true paring." Ryan says quietly

"Ohhh." Pete smiles, "well you two should be off to lunch now. I'll see you in art sixth period, right Ryan?"


"Great! Have good day, boys!" Pete goofily smiles.

Patrick and Pete hear a quiet 'those two are so cute! We NEED to tell Spencer, Dallon, and Jon!' From Brendon as the two walked away and down the hall.

Pete unlatches himself from Patrick and shuts the door. He turns around to see Patrick still standing in the same place. He looks so shocked.

"P-Pete...w-what was that for..?" Patrick says

"Mmmmm," walks round and behind him, "I️ like you."

Pete wrapped his arms around Patrick and rests his head in Patrick neck.

"M-me too." Patrick seems to unfreeze and spins around to face Pete.

"Good." Pete smiles

They lean in and Pete puts his hands on Patrick's waist as he kisses him. Patrick's hands find there way to Pete's face and pulls them closer. Pete backs Patrick up until he reaches the deck. He grabs Patrick's legs and pulls him to sit on the desk. Patrick silently moans at Pete runs his hands over Patrick's inner thigh.

"Hey Mr.Stump one more thi- OH MY GOD, RYAN RYAN RYAN YOU NEED TO SEE THIS." Brendon opens the door, walks in, sees them, runs out, then closes the door.

"Holy smokes." Patrick says looking at Pete with worry.

Pete starts laughing hysterically. So does Patrick. Who knew that coffee and student presents would lead to uh...this.

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