Twister? Oh i'll twister your throat!

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"Why are we doing this..." Patrick sighs.

"Oh c'mon, Patrick! I'll be fun!" Dallon smiles.

"Yea, Dude, maybe if I'm lucky enough I could get to stare at your ass got a bit." Pete laughs.

Patrick's cheek flame red, and he facepalms to hide it.

Pete and others laugh out, Brendon and him laying down the twister set up on the living room floor.

"C'mon, Pete. You're embarrassing him." Ryan mutters, eyes still closed while he lays on the couch.

"Whatever." Pete rolls his eyes.

After the game is set up, Dallon takes a seat on a chair next to the game. "Ry, you playing?"

"Yea, sure." He sits up.

Ryan rolls off the couch and onto the floor. The others here a muffled 'fuck, my back' because Ryan's face is smooshed into a blanket on the floor. Brendon laughs.

"Fuck you, Urie." Ryan moves so he's on his elbows.

"Not interested." Brendon sasses.

"Okay I know we all make the 'fuck you' 'not interested' joke all the time, but Brendon I think you're actually lying this time." Dallon says.

"DALLON SHUT UP." Brendon kicks his side.

Dallon laughs and tries not to fall off his chair. Pete throws a pillow at Brendon. "Alright, lets play!"

Patrick groans and stands up, Pete, Brendon, and Ryan following. They all stand next to one another, all in front of the game mat thing. Dallon spins the twister thing.

"We're starting with Ryan, right?" Dallon asking and everyone nods, "Okay! Left hand blue."

After various rounds of people being told where to put there limbs and somehow Pete integrating the rule that after every turn you take a shot of a tequila and lemonade mixture, everyone seemed to be in quite the positions.

Brendon was in the easiest place, him sitting with his feet on two places in front of him, and his hands behind him on two spots. This is until Patrick had to put his hand behind Brendon and decided in his drunken state that sitting on his lap was the smartest idea ever. The two giggling madly, looking at each other.

Dallon is also the only sober one and he's videoing fucking ALL of this.

Ryan is in this odd, sort of hands-and-knees-ass-in-air-doggy-style-position. He's laughing his ass off. And, because his butt is facing Dallon, he shakes his hips every now and then. Dallon just kicks him jokingly, hysterical.

Pete is frustrated. So fucking frustrated. This was supposed to be his chance to tease and embarrass Patrick, make him uncomfortable. He was not supposed to be giggling and practically grinding on Brendon!

"Okay!" Dallon chokes out between laughs, "Patrick! Right hand red!"

Patrick giggles and tries to reach for the spot, but ultimately fails and ends up falling into his back. Brendon scoffs, lap now empty.

"Patrick you're out!" Dallon calls out.

"Fuuuuuuu..." Patrick has another laughing fit.

He lifts himself onto the couch. He sits with his legs pulled up to his chest.

"Okay, Pete left foot yellow."

Pete pretends to slip and fall, a smirk on his face. "SHIT!"

Everyone laughs at him.

"Peter Panda, you are out!" Patrick giggles.

Pete flops down beside Patrick, looking at him. Thinking of what he could do.

"I guess it's just me and you." Brendon says to Ryan, determination apparent.

Pete, same smirk, puts his hand on Patrick thigh, rubbing up and down slowly. Pete grabs a blanket from off the floor and drapes it over them, no one else thinking anything of it.

Patrick looks at Pete, alarmed. Pete moves his hand closer to Patrick's crotch, again, rubbing his inner thigh.

"P-Pete..." Patrick whispers.

"Shut up." Pete starts to slip his hand down Patrick's sweatpants.

Patrick shifts uncomfortably. "IM GONNA USE THE BATHROOM."

He bolts up and runs to the bathroom.

Pete rolls his eyes. The others laugh. They all hear the thumping of someone running upstairs.

"The fuck? What's up with him?" Brendon asks.

"I don't know," Pete sits up, "imma go check on him."

He stands up and walks up the stairway. He knocks on the bathroom door. "Patty, you good?" He laughs out.

"Pete, I hate you!" Patrick opens the door slightly, just enough where Pete can see his head.

"What? You got a...problem?"

"Two actually."

Pete looks confused.

"First off obviously I'm hard, second you're an asshole and i don't know what to do with you."

"Well I can help you with your first problem." Pete say.

He raises his eyebrows suggestively, biting his lip. Patrick just stares at him.

"Ugh, you are so weird. Just get in here."


I don't know what this is but I kinda h8 it. Great.

Have a great day.

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