guy GUYS i swear i'm fine

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Patrick's head perks up as he hears the string on curse words and loud thumping down the stairwell.

He immediately stands up off the couch backstage and rushes over to the staircase that leads to the lights and sounds room upstairs, weaving through rooms.

"Pete, honey, are you okay?" He says as he finally makes it to the bottom of the stairs.

Pete is sprawled out on the floor, his face showing obvious pain. He sighs heavily and starts laughing, then coughing.

"It looks like," he coughs like a dying horse, "I fell for you."

Pete laughs and tilts his head back, still laying on the floor. He hiccups.

Patrick look at him horrified.

"You Just fell down three flights of stairs, how are you alive??"

Pete just laughs at this.

"Oh my god-JOE! JOE PLEASE HELP ME!" Patrick shouts as Joe walks by in the distance.

Joe looks up at him as he walks, guitar still slung over his torso. He then looks at Pete and starts hysterically laughing.


"He fell down the stairs...I think." Patrick pokes Pete with his foot.

Pete just flinches and his eyes close. Patrick and Joe look confused, and a little worried.

"Just this flight though...right..?" Joe asks hesitantly.


"Joe, Joe! Nah, it was all three flights. I'm fine though." Pete tries to stand up.

He ultimately fails and as he stumbles, Patrick and Joe rush to his sides to make sure he doesn't actually kill himself.

"I think he has a concussion." Joe sighs.

Joe primarily is the one holding up Pete, arms around Pete's stomach. Patrick is just making sure he doesn't drop him.

"No, shhhhh," Pete puts a finger to Joe's lips, "Joseph, like I said: I'm fine."

"Pete," Joe's words are muffled by Pete's finger, "please stop I don't know where your hands have been."

Pete scoffs. "Only up Patrick's a-"

"OKAY MOVING ON." Patrick yells.

Joe rolls his eyes and Patrick takes Pete's finger off his lips.

"Okay Pete we're going to the ER." Patrick says.

"What!? Guys I swear I'm fine!" Pete pushes off of Joe and tries to walk.

"PETE," Joe yells.

Pete gets about four steps before he's falling to the ground, hard. His face is pressed up against the floor, "ow."

Joe sighs.

"What are we doing..." Patrick sighs as well.

They're just looking at the collapsed Pete on the ground.

"What is this band? And whERE IS ANDY??" Joe says.

"Oh I'm right here." Andy says, behind Joe.

"Holy son of a sea biscuit hi Andy." Joe jumps, a bit startled.

"Hey." Andy smiles.

Patrick face palms.

"Oh yea and we should probably bring Pete to the ER." Andy says.

The three stand there did a moment, watching the emo creature rolling around on the floor.

"Yea we probably should."


This is short but I like it, I think it's kinda funny and cute.

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