My soul isn't the only one

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I'm Patrick. I️ live in this kid's body as his soul. There are other souls in him. I'm just one. There is a very big difference between me and the other souls though. I'm powerful. I️ overtook the other souls. I'm the loudest, the one in control. The other souls are silent and I'm the only one who gets to control the body we've been confined to. It's like that for everyone.

One soul gets control above the rest and gets the body as their's to have; with a few whispers of other weaker soul in the back of our heads.

There are only one kind of people who are the exception to this rule: schizophrenic people.

Those people have many souls always fighting to take control. It's normally two-four souls who are strong enough to fight for the body.

I️ know someone who's like that.

We live together. We're married.

He often will lock himself in a room when he feels another soul taking over. He's the strongest soul in the body, but two others take control every few weeks for about two hours. Pete had learned to control the other souls, something no one can explain, so that they don't take charge more often.

It's one of those times though.

He's locked himself in the upstairs bathroom. I'm waiting on the other side of the door in the hallway. I'm head in leaning back again the door. I️ pull my legs up to my chest and sigh. He's been in there for about an hour. I️ can hear him yelling at himself, strings on curse words and even the occasional banging on the wall.

I️ pull out my phone to check the time. 4:35pm. I️ had use gotten home from the recording studio, and Pete had said he was making dinner. I️ had to turn of the stove when I️ got home because he was in such a rush to lock himself in somewhere; somewhere I️ wasn't.

The other two souls are not as kind as Pete. One's known as Jackson and the other is Sonny.

Jackson is violent.

I️ can prove that with the scar on my arm.

Sonny is self destructive.

Somehow that's worse. I️ can't imagine anything worse then Pete getting hurt.

I'd rather get beat by Jackson again rather then watch Sonny put scars on his wrists. Pete was heart broken when he realized what Jackson had done the first time he took over when I️ was with him. That's why now he locks himself in the bathroom when he comes out to play. When Sonny is out, I️ just comfort him.

I️ hear the lock turning and feel the door pushing me forward as it opens. I️ stand up and turn around to look at an Exhausted looking Pete. He smiles sadly and I️ smile back with the same expression. He pulls me into a hug and rests his head on top of mine.

"I'm so happy that's over." He says hoarsely from shouting.

"Me too." I️ sigh into his shirt.

"I️ love you...and I️ love how you haven't left my side because of them."

I️ smile wider.

"I️ love you too, dum dum."

He pulls back looks fake offended. "Excuse me!"

"You're excused." I️ flip my hair and put my hand on my hip

"Gaaaaaay." I️ slap his shoulder

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