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"Alright, sir. Here's your tickets! Enjoy the show!" The girls working the front table smiles.

"Thank you!" Pete grabs the four tickets and heads back to where the other three are.

He weaves his way through the crowded floor, loud cackling being heard from everywhere, teenagers taking selfies, people making out in the corners. Pete rolls his eyes.

Pete and his three friends are at a Green Day show, and it's Monday night. But a Monday night show was the only one the band was playing in Chicago besides the one last Saturday, but Ryan wouldn't have been able to attend. That mean Pete, Ryan, Brendon, and Patrick had not much other choice then to go tonight.

Pete walks fast past other teens and pulls in the drawstring of his hood.

He hadn't gotten to do much this weekend, meaning pretty much Patrick and him just hung out. Which actually means they played video games, jammed out singing and playing guitar, taking baths together, eating a lot of pizza, and fucking.

Pete still had some of these events in the back of his head, particularly the fucking one.

He final makes it back to the group, Brendon complaining to Ryan about how hungry he is and Ryan just rolling his eyes.

Patrick's drinking soda, hands wrapped around the drink, mouth suck on the straw just like how last night he sucked Pete's di-

Okay, so Pete has a problem.

He can feel it in his pants.

He rushes out "Okay! So I've got our tickets, so now we can go up to the nosebleeds now!"

Brendon scoffs, still upset. Ryan rolls his eyes yet again and drags Brendon to booth to get something to eat to shut him up.

Patrick laughs around the straw in his mouth. "Oh boy."

Pete bites his lip. "You wanna go up and just wait for..." Pete looks at Brendon and Ryan arguing, "...them."

Patrick laughs-Pete loves his laugh-and nods.

Pete grabs Patrick's arm and walks over to Brendon and Ryan.

He calls out "Hey, we're gonna go to our seats. You have your tickets with your seat numbers and shit, you can find us after."

Brendon isn't even paying attention because he's still complaining, but Ryan-obviously annoyed-nods to Pete.

Patrick makes a chocking laugh noise and Pete groans, pulling him away.

The two make there up to the nosebleeds, sense the the four boys had arrived at the concert so early, no one had arrived in this section except for a few people scattered around.

Pete continues to drag Patrick until they make it to their seats. Pete has this grumpy look on his face while Patrick remains smiling.

Pete sinks into his seat and pulls on the drawstring of his hoodie. Patrick, with an idiot smile on his face, turns to face him.

"Hey, what's with you? Why aren't you super fucking excited?? This is Green Day man! It's taken weeks of us and Bren and Ryan working at low pay jobs to get these tickets! C'mon, Pete, get excited. Get happy-" Patrick gets curt off by Pete.

"Patrick, honey, you wanna sit on my lap?" Pete says monotone.

Patrick gives a confused face. "Okay...? Sure." His tone laced with caution.

Patrick takes his black and white checkered backpack off his lap and places it on his chair.

He stands up, and immediately after takes a seat on Pete's lap. Pete quietly groans.

"Wow I can actually see from he-" Patrick stops mid-sentence, eyes wide, "Pete."

Pete mutters 'fuck' and adjusts Patrick, his dick poking his ass.

(My favorite sentence I've ever written.)

"Woahwoahwoahwoah...dude. Chill." Patrick stands up and sits back in his regular seat.

He puts his bag in his lap, look straight forward. He knows if he looks at the horny emo teenage next to him, he'll loose it. But, unfortunately for Patrick, Pete knows this too.

Pete smirks and leans near Patrick's ear. "Hey Patty, can me out?"

Patrick sucks in a heavy breathe.

"Bathroom. Now." Pete says and stands up.

Patrick, not needing to be told twice, gets up and throws his bag on his chair.

The two make there way to the bathroom quickly.

"Yea, thanks, Ryro." Brendon takes a big handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"I swear to God you're fucking five." Ryan sighs.

"Five inches deep in your mo-"


"I mean I have ADHD so...I can get that way some times." Brendon puts his backpack down next to Patrick's.

"Huh. I wonder where those two are..." Ryan says.

"Probably fucking in the bathroom or something." Brendon collapses into his seat.

"Yea probably." Ryan says nonchalantly.

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