Who the fuck are you?

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Pete walks mindlessly through the goodwill, his eyes scanning over a few T-shirts. He had wanted to get a Polaroid camera and Andy had said there was one he saw at goodwill last week.

Pete walks slowly through multiple isles, but stops in front of shelf with just one item on it: an old photo book.

He picks the book up and reads 'last pictures before death' scribbled in sharpie on the cover. He opens the book up curiously to be met with several pictures on famous people. J.F.K, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Bonny and Clyde, and many more.

As he continues to turn the pages he starts seeing more familiar faces, until he sees his own. The date isn't too far in the future. It's a picture of him in the woods, smiling biting on an apple next to a tree with loose roots.

Peter Wentz: died in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Age:26. Crushes by fallen tree.

Spooked by the mention of himself, Pete throws to book back and runs away, out of the store, rear threatening to fall down his face. He wants to forget he ever saw the book. But he needed to do something.

He run back into the store and back to the same, empty shelf. He turns the book over violently and look for the author. After a few painful minutes of painfully flipping, he finds it. On the back of the lady page it reads: Patrick Stump.

Pete runs out of the store again and drives home. As soon as he throws his keys in the bowl by the door and kicks his shoes off, he sits in front of his computer and types frantically the name 'Patrick Stump.'

Not much comes up, all except that he's from Chicago and has been missing since 2001.

Pete decides he needs to sleep on all this information as barrels into his bed.

Two years, six months, and four days later...

Pete is living his life to the fullest. He's 26 years old and lives with his dog. He works a stable 9-5 job and makes good pay. He couldn't ask for more.

Completely forgetting about the photo book, he spends his days being a free soul and doing what he loves.

And right now, it's traveling. Traveling the world. He's started by taking a road trip around America, stopping at important historical places and driving peacefully through the night.

Today, he stops in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is where S.E. Hinton write 'The Outsiders.' It was a game changing book written in the 60's and was the first major book written specifically for teenagers.

'The Outsiders' has always been one of Pete's favorite books and he wanted to explore the place the book was written and where the movie was filmed.

He pulls up onto a an open hill. This is where Dallas Winston was shot in the movie. He gets out of his van and starts walking around.

He makes his way to the edge of the woods near the open hill and decides it would be a nice place to have picnic. All alone, how sad.

He sits on a blanket near the tree and happily munches in an apple. As juice spills over his hands he's reminded of something. Something from a long time ago.

Something important...

The tree crunches.

Normally, Pete would think nothing of it, but stands up in alarm remembering. This was the day he was set to die.

He hears a click of a camera go off as he jumps out of the way of the tree falling. His heart beats a million miles per hour. His head whips into the wooded area, only to see a small man with straw berry blond hair, covered by a fedora and glasses bolt into the woods, Polaroid camera hanging around his neck.

Pete runs after him.

"HEY YOU!! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Pete runs faster then the boy and tackles him the forest floor.

The boy under him, panting with cheeks lightly flushed. Baby blue, sky eyes clouded. His glasses falling down his face a bit, fedora off his head and somewhere on the ground now. His eyes are scared.

"W-why? Who a-are you...why are taking pictures of me? I almost died..."

"I-I know." The boy stutters

Pete sits up so the boy can sit up. He digs around for fedora while Pete remains sitting.

"What's your name?" Pete says, still out of breathe

"Patrick." He picks up his fedora

Pete's heart stops.

"Stump," Pete says,wide eyes, "y-your PatRICK STUMP!! OH MY GOD YOU WROTE THE FUCKING BOOK!!"

Patrick freezes and stares at Pete.

They stare at each other. It's like a stand off.

Patrick starts bolting away again.

Pete follows quickly.

Part two?

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