Who the fuck are you?~Part 2

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Pete feels the wind around him, it blows violently in his tan face as he makes large strides forward. The twists and turns of the forest challenge him, but he's winning.

He can see Patrick clearly, running in front of him. His fedora tightly grasped in his hands. His hair spewing in different directions because of the speed his going.

Pete can almost reach him.

Patrick fumbles and turns around before his face collides with an oak tree, instead his back is roughly pressed into the wood. He howls our in pain.

Pete abruptly stops. He slams his hands above Patrick's head and uses his body to keep Patrick in place. They're both panting, exhausted.

"You..." Pete catches his breath, "who are you..."

Patrick wipes his eyes. "I'm a time keeper."

"A," Pete pushes off Patrick, "A TIME KEEPER?!"

Pete waves his hands around frantically.


"I'm a time keeper, I was born one. There's like six throughout the U.S."


Patrick pulls Pete into a hug.

"WHAT THE HELL GET OFF ME!!" Pete pushes Patrick off

"Hey..." Patrick says, calming Pete down.

"I-I was gonna die today. I read it in the book you wrote. Why would you write a book on people you kill??"

"I didn't kill them. I wasn't even born for a lot of the people's deaths. I just take pictures. People's last pictures. I figured it would be cool to make a book out if it, I'd never let anyone read it, but someone stole it. Then somehow you got it...I guess."

"B-but, the book was written before I was supposed to die..."

"I know when everyone is gonna die."

Pete sits on a log, head in hands. Patrick sits next to him, breathing in the woods.

"How? How you real?" Pete sighs quietly

"I don't know...I'm sorry," Patrick slouches, "you were supposed to die. You didn't. I-I don't know when you're gonna die. I don't understand..."

Pete takes his head out of his hands. He looks at Patrick with sad, brown eyes. He puts his arm over Patrick's shoulders. "Friends?"


"Thanks, Patrick."

"Thanks for what? Uh..."

"I'm Pete."


"Thanks for saving my life."

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