homework's for losers

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"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shi-"

"Pete, can you shut up?" Patrick sighs.

Pete ignores Patrick and keeps spinning around his desk chair. Well, Patrick's desk chair.

Patrick rolls his eyes and goes back to correcting homework.


"Mr. Stump. Pete, we've been over thi-"

"Patrick, Do you think stars have feelings?" Pete stops spinning abruptly.

Patrick sighs, turns to face Pete on the chair seated where his normal chair is, however, he can't use that that chair because Pete is using it to spin in circles. He looks in disappointment at him next to his desk, still looking at a wall thinking about the question he just asked.

"Peter, this is detention. You're not even supposed to be talking, let alone using my chair for your own joy." Patrick sighs.

"Yes, but you're the one who allowed me to use your chair."

"Oh my god." Patrick face palms.

Pete starts spinning again, slower this time. Patrick shakes his head and continues correcting homework.

"You got 57 on your English paper. That brings your grade from a D to an F." Patrick throws the test at the spinning boy.

Pete try's to catch it at as he goes in circles. "Fuck!"

Patrick tries not to laugh, Pete glaring at him. He hops off the chair.

"Holy son of a nut sack, I'm gonna vomit." Pete stumbles over to his paper.

"Language please." Patrick fake smiles.

"Fuck off," Pete grabs the homework paper and throws it back at Patrick, "go enter this in your grade book, teacher man."

"I'm surprised you even know what a grade book is. This generation is off the rails so much."

Pete looks dumbfounded. "You're literally six years older than me."

"How do you know how old I am?" Patrick raises an eyebrow.

Pete sits on Patrick's desk next to the homework papers. "I don't know, I guessed."

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen." Pete picks up a paper.

"So I'm seven years older than you. You were close though." Patrick starts up grading paper again.

Pete watches for a few minutes. "So you're 24?"

Patrick scoffs. "Is took you two whole minutes to figure that out?"

"Hey, I may not be school smart...or street smart but I'm...art smart."

"That's not a thing."

"Well, now it is. Cause I'm it," Pete says, "people who are art smart are not traditional. they don't fit in anywhere and express their feeling through drawing, painting, playing or listening to music, video making. we cry a lot and are observant. Um...yea that's all I can think of. I'll have to write that all down sometime."

"Holy smokes, Pete. I didn't realize you thought like that." Patrick cracks a smile.

"You should see my book of poetry." He winks.

"You seriously have a book of poetry..?" Patrick smiles fully.

"Jesus, Patrick, you look like a kid on Christmas. Yes I have a book of poetry." Pete laughs.

"Is it just yours or others too?"

"Me and my buddy Edger Allen Poe." He puts his feet on Patrick's lap.

"Yea, I should have expected that. You're very similar," Patrick laughs, "why did you never tell me about this? I'm your English teacher, Pete. This kind of stuff makes my life." Patrick leans back in his chair.

"Oh, well I'll have to let you read some poem sometime." Pete leans forward.

Patrick remains where he is, Pete leaning more towards him. "Peter?"

Pete grabs Patrick's tie and pulls him into a kiss. Patrick freezes, then realizes what's happening and pushes Pete back. He stumbles not to fall off the desk.

"Patrick, ow." Pete looks back at him.

Patrick glares. "Mr. Stump."

Pete rolls his eyes, then speaks in a whiney tone. "Mr. Stump, ow."

"Why'd you say it that way..." Patrick mutters.

Pete sighs and hops off Patrick's desk. He looks at the clock reading 3:48, then grabs Patrick's desk chair and pushes back behind the desk. He grabs his backpack and throws it over his shoulders, hood up. He walks back over to Patrick. He's looking up curiously.

"You gay?"

Patrick's face heats up. "Yea, why?"

Pete smirks. "Just a question."

He looks up at the clock, causing Patrick to look at the clock too.

"Let me go ten minutes early?" Pete asks.

"Why would I do that?" Patrick crosses his arms.

Pete scoffs. "So I can jack off."

Patrick's eyes go wide, then he calms down a bit. He tries to look mad. "That's inappropriate, Pete."

"First of all, I was joking. Second, we literally just kissed. And third, I wanna leave early so I won't bother you anymore."

Patrick's face softens. "You don't bother me..."

"Whatever. Can I go?" Pete shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you acting grump all the sudden." Patrick asks.

"I'm not!"

Patrick raises an eyebrow.

"FINE. IM JUST EMBARRASSED." Pete looks at the floor.

Patrick stands up and walks up to Pete, slower. "Because of..?"

They stand face to face, less than a foot away from each other.

"I...I kissed you."

Patrick sighs and pulls Pete into a hug, his arms wrapped around Pete's shoulders. Pete gives in and pull his closer by the waist.

Patrick pulls away, hands on Pete's arms. He leans in and kisses Pete softly. Pete kisses back.

Patrick snakes his hands around Pete's shoulders again and Pete hugs his waist yet again. Patrick starts laughing, and Pete joins in.

They pull apart. "Pete Wentz...having inappropriate contact with a teacher is not okay...and for that reason I'm giving you detention for the rest of the week."

Pete grins.

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