murder game for sickos like us

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Patrick grabbed his keys and rushed out the front door, Pete trailing behind him.

Dallon had told the two to meet him in the park, without any context or additional information. All Patrick and Pete knew was that Dallon left early that morning and hadn't returned yet. but, a frantic phone call to Pete said enough.

Dallon had killed another person.

The two teenage boys grab their bicycles and start peddling fast down the dark midnight streets. stars gleaming overhead showing off the two's flaws in the most beautiful way possible.

Patrick felt a bit guilty for leaving Brendon and Ryan all alone at home. Those two were definitely in little space when they left...and Dallon, their daddy, hadn't been gone all day. this probably wasn't the best idea to let them be alone in a big house.

"Patty, let's cut this way." Pete jerks his bike down an old trail for walking.

Patrick follows Pete's action and, more frantically, jerks him bike in the same direction.

Patrick, Pete, Dallon, Ryan, and Brendon at lived in one big house in Las Vegas. They knew no neighbors and seemed to be a mystery to society.

Patrick's earbuds turn off for a second. his music fades into a news report. He scoffs.

"Man in mid 20s to mid 30s spotted dragging a man's body away from public park. stop inside and..." Patrick blocked out the news, throwing his earbuds down.

"Patrick, you good?" Pete slows a bit to become level with Patrick.

"No, Dal is on the news," he huffs, "he's so fucking tall that's he's now know as a identifiable tall serial killer. I'm just glad they don't realize that he's not the only one." He gestures to himself and Pete.

"Plus Ryan and Bren, lil guys." Pete mutters.

The two arrive at the park soon enough. They discard their bicycles and jog through the glare of flashing red and blue lights to try to find a tall murderer.

soon enough they sneak through the sight (they've done this enough to know how) and come across just who they wanted to see.

They rush over to Dallon and he just pushes the body on them motion for them to run.

The next day...

"Help! HELP!! HES FUCKING CRAZY!" Brendon flinched as he places the tray on the table in the basement, "THE TALL ONE, HE TRIED TO KILL ME LAST NIGHT BUT I LIVED!! WHERE IS HE AND WHO ARE YOU?!?!" The man screams to Brendon

"Oh, daddy. He take care of me and Ryan, Patrick and Pete too-just a little differently." Brendon puts a spoon up to him mouth.

"who? What...? I just-I just wanna go home..." The man cries out.

"Oh, Dallon is the tall one. Ryan is my boyfriend, also Dallons boyfriend. Patrick and Pete are boyfriends. Dallon brought me here when I was a little boy, only six. He did it sorta like you...he said he had some candy and new toys and I followed him his car and then he brought me here. It's the same for Ryan and Patrick too. Pete was saved by Dallon when he was around eleven. Dallon says it's safe here, no one can hurt us, and I trust my daddy."

The man in front of Brendon looked horrified by what the teen was saying.

"In sixteen now. It's been ten whole years here!" Brendon cheered.

The man just started crying out again, then Pete stomped down the stairs.

"Your fucking daddy is 'playing' with my boyfriend so is you could just let me kill this guy that would be nice." Brendon nods giggling.

"What?! NO OH MY GOD PLEASE NO." The man cowards back.

"Why don't you just go break up with your boyfriend and hate this 'Dallon' guy!?" The man screams in fear.

Pete looks at Brendon in a daze. He steps his bear foot towards the man, real close. His dark eyes look at the man's baby blues.

"Cause Dallon makes the rules, he saved us."

Im back (?) I don't know, things are just getting a lot worse so I'm gonna give up on my life a bit and escape my life by writing these dumb oneshots. okay, have a great day.

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