Corner store, 2am

582 28 27

Mild smut, Guys, gals, and non-binary pals.


And so here I am: pinned to a wall next to the snack shelves, the light up sign reading '24/7' on it is broken, and his hand is down my pants.

How did I get here may you ask?

Yeah, I have no idea.

I can just remember being really drunk and working my shift, and I was being a little annoying asshole and I pissed off my co-worker, Pete. And now here I am, his hand jerking me off in the middle of an isle in the corner stare where we both work, where someone could literally walk in.

Haha, I'm screwed.

I'm a bit sobered up now, but it baffles me how thing turned sexual. Like, he was mad at me, and was yelling at me and pushing me around...okay well I guess that seems like a perfectly angsty, sexual situation, but whatever.

"Holy shit, Pete." I hold in a moan when he speeds up his hand movements.

"Let it out, Patrick. I want to hear you." He growls.

And I swear to god I try to hold it in, but he wins me over when he starts kissing up my neck. As he leaves cool and warm colored marks on my neck, I let out a throaty moan, and I can feel him smiling while he sucks another hickey. This one's right above the collar bone.

"Please..." I whimper out.

And with that I'm coming all over his hand, "ahhh, so good, Pete, plea-"

And then I hear the door bell ding.

Oh shit.

Pete instantly pushes me back, and I pulls up my boxers and pants. I try to remain calm and collected bUT IT'S A  BIT HARD BECAUSE THEIR IS COME ALL OVER PETE'S HANDS AND IM COMING DOWN FROM MY HIGH.

Pete rushes to the checkout, standing behind it and I stare daggers at him.

We hear two boys laughing and loud footsteps. I start to pretend to be doing something, Pete rolling his eyes. He keeps his hands under the counter.

But I'm still shaking and oh god there's cum on my shirt FUCK. Hide it, hide it, hide it.

I just turn to face a shelf in hopes that they won't see my cum-covered shirt. I'm still panting from previous events too.

And then the two boys run through the isle I'm standing in—of course.

One still has a bicycle helmet on, the other with a backpack over his shoulder. They're both laughing, grabbing snacks from off the shelves.

How are they this awake it's literally 2 am.

And then I see one look at me and choke up as he laughs, pointing to my shirt and the other notices and starts dying laughing as well.



"well I thought it was about time you saw, Andy..." backpack kid's face beams red.

'Andy' gives him one look, then he's all over him. Kissing and hugging and holy shit this is more then I bargained for.

They break apart roughly.

Backpack kid speaks, "We need to break the fourth wall more often if it mean I get Andy kisses."

Andy smiles sweetly, "anything you want, Joe."

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