The park is where we'll go

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"Patrick!" Patrick whips his head around to see Pete sitting in the tree behind him.

"PETE WHAT THE HELL YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME." Patrick leaps backwards and tumbles into a pile of leaves.

He cringes and pulls the wet leaves off his arm, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

Pete just laughs from the tree, branch slightly shaking as he bobs up and down from laughing. "What, you scared, Patrick?"

"Pete...why are you in a tree in my backyard..? My mom's home...she'll kill me if she sees us together. You know how she feels about you..." Patrick stands up, brushing the leaves off of himself.

"Yea yea 'he's such a bad influence' 'he smokes thats vile' 'he's a stoner loser' I know Pattycakes." Pete wraps his hand around another branch.

"How did you even get up there?" Patrick looks up at his friend in confusion.

Pete swings down a few branches, looks cool as fuck and like a pro, then sticks out his arms to grab another thick branch. Patrick looks in awe as Pete's muscles flex while reaching for the next path to get down.

Pete has this expression, like he's solving the world's hardest riddle. He looks around constantly, mapping out where to go next. He finals jumps and crouches as he lands gracefully on the ground.

"Woah, alright so...wanna go to the park or something?" Pete smiles, wiping his hands on his jeans.

Patrick continues to looks in awe. "How..? What..? But the tree is so ta-" Pete cuts him off.

"Dude just come on." He yanks Patrick towards the street.

Patrick just stumbles along behind Pete. "Do I not get any say in what we're doing?"

"Well...what do you want to do, Trick?" Pete smirk, turning to look at Patrick.

Patrick face flushed red a bit. "T-the Park sounds okay..."

Pete smiles wide a turns around, facing away from Patrick once again.

"Alright! The park it is!" Pete starts dragging Patrick again.

At the park...

"Patrick, we have a situation."

Patrick makes a confused faces and turns his head away from his book and looks around for Pete.

He looks at the playground, the green, the woods, and then the lake. From his spot, only about ten feet away from the lake, he could see a small group of baby ducks happily following Pete around.

"Um, what do I do?" Pete walks towards Patrick, the group of ducklings happily stumbling behind him.


"...Patrick help." Pete sits next to Patrick, the ducklings sitting all over the two of them.

"Only you..." Patrick says, cupping a baby duck's soft face.

"So are we a surrogate family now?" Pete says after a tired sigh.

"I guess so." Patrick smiles.

"QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!" Patrick jumps back from the noise.

Him and Pete immediately look to the duck frantically waddling onto land and towards them. They look at each other, slightly panicked.

The duck jumps on Pete and starts violently pecking at him.

"OH MY GOD JESUS OKAY TAKE YOUR KIDS I WONT TOUCH THEM EVERY AGAIN JUST HAVE THEM." Pete screams as him and Patrick stumble to stand up.

The ducklings look between Pete and the adult mommy duck. The duck quacks and the ducklings waddle over to her, but not before one takes one final glance at Pete. They all pad into the warm water.

Pete is breathing heavy and he looks spooked. "What, you scared, Pete?" Patrick mocks, mimicking Pete behavior from early.

"Fuck off, dickhead." Pete looks angry.

"You mean...duckhead?" Patrick smiles annoyingly.

"Go away, Satan."

"Die emo scum."

"Kys, baby." Pete kisses Patrick's cheek-running off.

Patrick's face beams bright red. Pete soon disappears into the setting sun.

Soon, Patrick arrives home. He's bewilder and confused at the previous events. Why did Pete kiss his cheek?

But he found out at 4am, when he was woken up by the 'ding' sound, telling him was received a text. Flustered, he looks to see who was texting him at this hour.

"PeteTheMemeMaker: I love you, Patrick. You know that?"

All of Patrick's anger washed away with those words, and knew exactly what to say back.

"PatrickMyBoy: of course I know. i love you too, hun."

read at 4:03am...

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