They're flowers...

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"Hey! HEY!!" I️ cringe as I️ hear someone scream from the garden as I️ rush out of there backyard and go to hope the fence, "NO!!NO!! COME BACK HERE!!"

I️ put my hands on top of the fence, and the flowers in the back my backpack as I️ push myself off the ground, but before I️ could fully jump off the ground, I️ am tugged back to the ground by small hands.

I️ fall onto the person and immediately whip my head around and back into the fence only to see a boy who looks around fifteen wiping dirt off his face, a bit still around on his cheek.

He looks up at me with glare "Why do you keep taking my flowers?"

I️ sit silently for a moment. "This is the first time."

"That's bull. Exactly 12 roses do not just magically disappear in someone's garden everyday," he stands up patting his pant down, "for a month."

"I️-I'm sorry..." I️ stand up as well

"Sorry doesn't replace dozens of roses," he snickers, "what girl is pretty enough to deserve a dozen roses every Saturday at 5am?"

I️ look at him innocently. He's still glaring at me.

"Why don't you take me to her! Just so I️ can tell her where your flower supply comes from!" He stands closer to me

I️ look at him confused.

"Come on!" He pushes me forward towards the front on his yard, "show me, buddy!"

I️ go to start protesting, but don't when I️ see the extremely angry expression painted on his face.

I️ sigh and start walking.

Ten minutes later...

"How far away is this girl's house?" The boy complained

I️ didn't respond.

"Hey, emo kid!" He tries again

I️ stop dead in my tracks. "Emo kid..? Really?"

"It's fitting," he pets my black hair, "emo kid."

"You have dirt on your face and you look stupid." I️ say without looking at him.

He does a double take and groans when he sees dirt on his fingers after wiping them on his face.

"It's only about ten more minutes." I️ say shoving my hairs in my pockets.

"What's your name, kid? I️ don't want to have to keep calling you 'emo kid' because I️ don't like embarrassing children."

"I'm not...I'm 19. I'm not a kid," I️ say quietly, "if anyone is a kid it's you. You look 15, man."

He scoffs. "I'm 17...and three quarters...shouldn't you be in college?"

"Yes. I️ should, but I'm not. Chicago has a rad music scene, you know."

He laughs mockingly. "What are you in a band? Staving artist? Scremo? Mama and daddy just don't understand?" He snorts.

I️ rub my eyes and ignore his words.

"I️ bet you don't even talk to your mom anymore. You should. She's probably a very much lady and you hate her don't you?!"

I️ continue to stay silent.


I️ feel tears prick in my eyes as we turn a corner.

"You're probably just another rock band douchebag, aren't you?!"

"SHUT UP!!!" I️ yell, rubbing the tears out of my eyes

"Holy smokes, calm down, kid."

"My names Pete, dickhead." I️ whimper out

"I'm Patrick...and are we almost there?!"

"Yea..." I️ turn another corner and head down a familiar road and under a formulation archway.

Patrick is so caught up in yelling at me that he doesn't even realize we are only a few feet away from our destination.

"We're here." I️ stop in front of it

"W-what..?" Patrick breathes out, "why are we here."

"You said to bring you to the pretty girl who deserves a dozen rose every Saturday," I️ sit in front of her grave, "she raised me with such grace and beauty." I️ admire all the dying and dead roses surrounded my mother's grave.

I️ run my fingers over her grave stone. Her stone is getting older as the weeks go by, but still remains quite intact.

"Patrick..." I️ look back at the boy who is covering his mouth with his hand and has tears running down his face, "I'd like you to meet my mother, the pretty woman who deserved the world...but never got it" I️ frown slightly.

"Pete..." He says quietly, "I'm so...I️-I'm so sorry." He continues to have tears run down his pale cheeks

I️ stand up and wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a tight hug. "It's okay, Pattycakes." I️ nuzzle my face into his neck, "let it all out."

"I️" He croaked out

"Shh..." I️ rubbed his back

He clung to me as if he's loose me if he let go in the slightest. "I️ had no idea...I'm so sorry..." he cried silently.

"Hey..." I️ pulled back and made his look at me, "it's okay..."

"No it's not...I'm an asshole I'm sorry." Patrick backed away.

Before he could get too far I️ pulled him back into a hug. "I️ forgive you."

"P-Pete..?" He said

"Yes, Pattycakes?"

"Take all the flowers you want from my mother and my garden."

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